The World Beneath: The Life and Times of Unknown Sea Creatures and Coral Reefs

Apollo. 2nd ed. Nov. 2024. 352p. ISBN 9781954641389. $40. SCI
Smith is a marine biologist, conservationist, award-winning underwater photographer, and dive expedition leader. This work spotlights the wonders of coral reefs in descriptive language and stunning photographs. An update to his 2019 book, this version includes a new preface, afterword, expanded information on pygmy seahorses, and additional photographs. It begins with how a coral reef works, concentrating on the Coral Triangle, rich in biodiversity and an endemic species. Smith introduces 21st-century discoveries and shares the natural history of dozens of animals, including the relationship between anemones and anemonefish and the cleaner fish that remove parasites from fish who line up at their cleaning stations. He tells how marine creatures use color as camouflage to protect themselves from predators, get close to potential prey, or attract a mate. The book concludes with the many threats to coral reefs: warming oceans, acidification, deforestation, fertilizers, pesticides, and overfishing. Lovely color photos of numerous marine animals complement the text.
VERDICT Smith’s passion for coral reefs, their inhabitants, and their protection shines through in this gorgeous, fascinating, informative, immersive book. Divers (and readers who would rather appreciate remote underwater habitats from the comfort of home) will cherish this book.
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