The title to this short but adorable book does not deceive—it caters to readers who love cats and individuals who want to learn more about these furry creatures. Berkowitz (
A Kid’s Guide to Backyard Birds) provides readers with information on cat origins, their temperament, their anatomy, and how to communicate or interact with kitties, especially by deciphering their body language. She also discusses famous cats found in pop culture, from Garfield to the Cheshire Cat to various social media influencers and internet-sensation pussycats. Although Berkowitz concludes with a lengthy chapter on 24 different cat breeds (including Abyssinians, Bombays, British Shorthairs, Chartreux, Egyptian Maus, Himalayans, Maine Coons, Persians, Ragdoll, and Siamese) that explains their history and temperaments, she stresses the benefits of adopting a cat from a shelter rather than buying one from a breeder. The book includes vivid illustrations by Rose.
VERDICT Written in an engaging and entertaining tone, this selection is suitable for feline fans of all ages.
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