Titled yet penniless, Sir Martin Esterbrook plans to die unobtrusively of consumption before he causes any more pain for the love of his life Will Sedgwick. The problem is Will has other plans. Will has known prickly Martin since Martin’s late father separated them by securing Will’s place in His Majesty’s Navy. Martin nursed Will back to something resembling wholeness when his time in the navy left him shattered—now Will is determined to do the same for Martin. With Martin dangerously ill in the depths of winter, Will decides to remove him to a cottage in the countryside where Martin’s lungs won’t be taxed by the murky London air. As winter melts into spring, and Martin keeps on living, the two men grow increasingly aware of the myriad ways they belong to each other—and dare to dream of a shared future.
VERDICT With this life-affirming final act to the trilogy (It Takes Two To Tumble; A Gentleman Never Keeps Score), Sebastian delivers a fiercely joyous tale of two people fighting to give each other a home and learning to love well.
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