What To Wear and Why: Your Guilt-Free Guide to Sustainable Fashion

Broadleaf. Sept. 2024. 262p. ISBN 9781506497006. $27.99. FASHION
Style editor and fashion writer Darke (Now We Are 40) turns her attention to sustainability in this title. Her background supports this thorough guide to greening a closet. It begins with a brief overview of fast fashion, pointing out the joys and flaws of the fashion system. Then Darke proposes a sustainability plan following the Five R’s: Reduce, Regenerate, Recycle, Restore, Resell. The chapters examine each of these R’s, covering relevant issues and providing ideas on how to improve in each area. There is a lot of research and detail, but Darke’s writing style is flowing and accessible. She finishes with a section on Big Fixes—systemic changes that must happen to really make a difference; Darke acknowledges that this isn’t merely an individual effort. This is an engaging and well-argued exposé of the fashion system. There is no scolding to put readers on the defensive; instead, the approachable tone gives a “we’re in this together” feeling. There is plenty of factual background, along with practical and actionable tips to make an immediate change to the way readers relate to their wardrobes.
VERDICT Highly readable and recommended to anyone who is interested in sustainable living and fashion.
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