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Imagine The Bartender’s Bible got a Martha Stewart Living makeover; that about sums up this superb book’s depth of information, artfully packaged and infectiously conveyed.
This substantial guide will do well with readers looking to achieve organic gardening success. With its easy-to-peruse layout and accessible advice, expect high circulation for this resource.
A nonintimidating introduction to short- and long-term food plans and gardening techniques that will help readers develop their emergency food supply plan.
The sound, money-saving ideas boil down to planting seeds, whether collected or purchased, dividing plants, and making cuttings using numerous methods.
A gorgeous, informative, browsable book for armchair travelers, vacation planners, and readers interested in North American Japanese-style gardens and their history.
This lovely, browsable, wide-ranging, authoritative book will be relished by Texas gardeners of all experience levels. It’s perfect for readers who are looking for plant suggestions so that they can design or expand their own gardens with native species.
Perhaps this will be the nudge that less-confident cooks will need to try something new. Recommended for readers seeking new options in both their gardens and their kitchens.