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Where I’m Coming From

Although this nationally syndicated comic strip was written 30 years ago, the stories and societal critiques are still applicable today. Readers will likely embrace being part of this sisterhood of outspoken friends.

Ryuko. Vols. 1 & 2

Respected fine artist Yoshimizu propels an enormous cast through a complicated plot that twists and turns without ever losing momentum and presents action sequences—of which there are many—in brilliantly disorienting compositions that emphasize speed and a sense of unfolding carnage. Fun for fans of Manga, crime epics, espionage thrillers, action adventure, and bold choices in illustration and storytelling.

Fearless Females

Breen’s straightforward style makes this ideal for middle school readers and beyond. Also a great historical supplement for anybody interested in the global rights of women told in a graphic novel format.

The Arab of the Future. Vol. 4: A Childhood in the Middle East, 1987–1992

The difficulty of growing up in a culture you feel no commonality with is powerful in this volume and will definitely resonate with some readers. Others will be touched by the humor amid the drama. A must for most collections, especially those with the previous books in the series.

Mass Appeal | Graphic Novels Spotlight 2019

The Graphic Format: Picture the Possibilities | Day of Dialog 2019

Graphic Novels from Beeby/Kristantina, Bendis/Reis, Casey/Marra, DeForge, Gropper, Rosa, Seth, & More | June 2019

LJ Talks to Seth, Author of "Clyde Fans"| Graphic Novels, June 2019

Aaron/Garney, Dysart/Ponticelli, Ellis & Co., Jensen/Case, Miura, Sturm, & Many More | Graphic Novels, April 2019

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