‘A Sorceress Comes To Call’ by T. Kingfisher | LJ Review of the Day

Highly recommended for readers who enjoy reimagined legends.

A Sorceress Comes To Call. T. Kingfisher. Tor. Aug. 2024. 336p. ISBN 9781250244079. $27.99. FANTASY

Cordelia’s mother is an evil, murderous, self-centered sorceress who has decided to entrap a rich squire and set them up in style so that Cordelia can trap an even richer husband with her magic. But the sorceress has picked the wrong mark, and it will be her downfall. It’s not the squire she’s up against—it’s his sister. Hester sees right through the sorceress, with some surprising assistance from an increasingly desperate Cordelia. Together, they marshal their forces in the hopes of defeating the sorceress and winning freedom. This is another one of Kingfisher’s marvelous works (like the Hugo-winning Nettle & Bone) that takes elements of fairy tales, myths, and legends and blends them into a story that feels both familiar and new at the same time while subtly weaving a novel where women play the parts that men traditionally filled, and men serve as helpmeets, sidekicks, and love interests. Even better, the middle-aged heroine both saves the day and gets her happily-ever-after. VERDICT Highly recommended for readers who enjoy reimagined legends.

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