Best Covers from Best Books | Dazzling Design and Artistic Verve

Of course we judge books by their covers! Or at least we deeply appreciate the art and design that grabs attention, delights with details, and sets the tone of the story to come. These are our top 10 covers from Best Books this year.

Of course we judge books by their covers! Or at least we deeply appreciate the art and design that grabs attention, delights with details, and sets the tone of the story to come. These are our top 10 covers from Best Books this year.

Best Book Covers, Ryan, Kennedy Before I Let Go Forever 9781538706794 Chen, Kevin Ghost Town Europa Editions 9781609457983 Reynolds, Mary We Are the ARK Timber Press 9781643261782 Williams, Nikesha Mardi Gras Indians LSU Press 9780807178706 Ma, Ling Bliss Montage Farrar, Straus and Giroux 9780374293512 McTier, Moiya The Milky Way Grand Central Publishing 9781538754153 Dean, Sunyi The Book Eaters Tor Books 9781250810182 Chambers, Becky A Prayer for the Crown-Shy Tordotcom 9781250236234 Barnhill, Kelly When Women Were Dragons Doubleday 9780385548229 Zhang, Jenny Tinghui Four Treasures of the Sky Flatiron Books 9781250811783

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