The Ethics of Genome Editing, Climate Change’s Impact on Disease, & Big Data in Biology | Academic Best Sellers

A head-to-toe tour of the marvel that is the human body; a critical insight into the scientific, ethical, and political implications of human genome editing; and an in-depth, wide-ranging, first-hand narrative on the world's tropical rainforests top the list of best-selling biology books, as compiled by GOBI Library Solutions from EBSCO.

A head-to-toe tour of the marvel that is the human body; a critical insight into the scientific, ethical, and political implications of human genome editing; and an in-depth, wide-ranging, first-hand narrative on the world's tropical rainforests top the list of best-selling biology books, as compiled by GOBI Library Solutions from EBSCO.

1. The Body: A Guide for Occupants
Bryson, Bill
Doubleday. 2019. ISBN 9780385539302. $30.

2. Altered Inheritance: CRISPR and the Ethics of Human Genome Editing
Baylis, Francoise
Harvard University Press. 2019. ISBN 9780674976719. $24.95.

3. Rainforest: Dispatches From Earth's Most Vital Frontlines
Juniper, Tony
Island Press. 2019. ISBN 9781642830729. $22.

4. Ocean Outbreak: Confronting the Rising Tide of Marine Disease
Harvell, C. Drew
University of California Press. 2019. ISBN 9780520296978. $26.95.

5. The Secret Network of Nature: The Delicate Balance of All Living Things
Wohlleben, Peter
Bodley Head. 2018. ISBN 9781847925244. $24.95

6. The Secret Wisdom of Nature: Trees, Animals, and the Extraordinary Balance of All Living Things
Wohlleben, Peter
Greystone Books. 2019. ISBN 9781771643887. $24.95.

7. The Stockholm Paradigm: Climate Change and Emerging Disease
Brooks, D. R.
University of Chicago Press. 2019. ISBN 9780226632308. $120.

8. Collecting Experiments: Making Big Data Biology
Strasser, Bruno J.
University of Chicago Press. 2019. ISBN 9780226634999. $135.

9. A World Beyond Physics: The Emergence and Evolution of Life
Kauffman, Stuart A.
Oxford University Press. 2019. ISBN 9780190871338. $24.95.

10. Lifespan: Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To
Sinclair, David
Atria Books. 2019. ISBN 9781501191978. $28.

11. Life Finds a Way: What Evolution Teaches Us About Creativity
Wagner, Andreas
Basic Books. 2019. ISBN 9781541645332. $30.

12. Demon in The Machine: How Hidden Webs of Information Are Solving the Mystery of Life
Davies, P. C. W.
University of Chicago Press. 2019. ISBN 9780226669700. $27.50.

13. Natural Rivals: John Muir, Gifford Pinchot, and the Creation of America's Public Lands
Clayton, John
Pegasus Books. 2019. ISBN 9781643130804. $27.95.

14. Good Enough: The Tolerance for Mediocrity in Nature and Society
Milo, Daniel S.
Harvard University Press. 2019. ISBN 9780674504622. $28.95.

15. Nature Strange and Beautiful: How Living Beings Evolved and Made the Earth a Home
Leigh, Egbert Giles
Yale University Press. 2019. ISBN 9780300244625. $28.

16. Grinnell: America's Environmental Pioneer and His Restless Drive to Save the West
Taliaferro, John
Liveright Publishing Corporation. 2019. ISBN 9781631490132. $35.

17. Worlds of Natural History
Curry, H .A.
Cambridge University Press. 2018. ISBN 9781316510315. $145.

18. Novacene: The Coming Age of Hyperintelligence
Lovelock, James
MIT Press. 2019. ISBN 9780262043649. $22.95.

19. Darwin's Most Wonderful Plants: A Tour of His Botanical Legacy
Thompson, Ken
University of Chicago Press. 2019. ISBN 9780226675671. $25.

20. Unravelling the Double Helix: The Story of DNA
Williams, Gareth
Pegasus Books. 2019. ISBN 9781643132150. $35.

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