Dodd, Christina.
What Doesn’t Kill Her. HQN: HarperCollins. Jan. 2019. 384p. ISBN 9781335507532. pap. $15.99. THRILLER In
Dead Girl Running, the first in the “Cape Charade” trilogy, Kellen Adams took a job as assistant manager at a Northwest Coast resort, hiring fellow veterans and hiding from a past she can’t remember.
LJ’s reviewer called it “a riveting romantic thriller [with] a chilling gothic touch and just enough red herrings and twists to keep readers on edge." Kellen recovered

some of her past by book’s end, but in this second volume she still has a lot of surviving to do. With a 200,000-copy paperback and a 10,000-copy hardcover first printing. Krentz, Jayne Ann.
Untouchable. Berkley. Jan. 2019. 336p. ISBN 9780399585296. $27; ebk. ISBN 9780399585302. ROMANTIC SUSPENSE FBI consultant Jack Lancaster, who gravitates toward cold cases, particularly those involving arson (he survived a fire), boasts an uncanny ability to understand a killer’s motives and is moving ever closer to the edge despite the best efforts of his meditation therapist. What’s worse, nasty Quinton Zane is launching a campaign to ditch his father’s foster sons, with Jack first in line. From the steady-as-they-come
New York Times best-selling author; third in the Quinton Zane story cycle and bringing back characters from
Promise Not To Tell. Patterson, James with Candice Fox.
Liar Liar. Little, Brown. Jan. 2019. 400p. ISBN 9780316418249. $28; ebk. ISBN 9780316418256. lib. ebk. ISBN 9780316418270. lrg. prnt. CD/downloadable. THRILLER Remember Det. Harriet Blue from
Never Never? She’s back, on the run despite being a

principled cop (or maybe because she's a principled cop) and desperate to find her brother’s killer. Her efforts lead her to one of those cold cases that often vivify thriller writing. With a 500,000-copy first printing. Steel, Danielle.
Turning Point. Delacorte. Jan. 2019. 288p. ISBN 9780399179358. $28.99; ebk. ISBN 9780399179365. lrg. prnt. WOMEN'S FICTION A recidivist No. 1
New York Times best-selling author for decades, Steel is writing more than ever. Her 2018 publishing schedule included six hardcovers along with seven mass market conversions, and the new year promises the same. This January starter tracks the experiences of four top San Francisco trauma doctors as they undertake a transatlantic exchange program with four Parisian counterparts, as crises unfold in both countries.