Maurice Coleman | Movers & Shakers 2010 - Tech Leaders

Library Journal March 15, 2010: Maurice Coleman, Mover & Shaker

Library Trainer

The ever-changing technology landscape can be intimidating even for the most committed 2.0 librarian. So it's no surprise that technical trainer Maurice Coleman chose to get fuzzy and friendly with the technology fair he created with Harford County Public Library colleague Annette Gaskins in 2007. As they developed the library's 23 Things Technology Program, they picked up on the concept of “Technology Petting Zoo” springing up at libraries nationwide.

The Zoo, says, Coleman, exposed “staff to many of the devices and technologies that were going to impact libraries,” with hands-on training. It was such a success that they took it to the 2008 Computers in Libraries and Maryland Library Association conferences. “We still receive requests to assist other places with developing their own,” says Coleman.

Coleman is also notable for creating T Is for Training (, a library training podcast launched in August 2008 that now has 40 episodes. “Training and professional development staff in all libraries are often solo specialists wherever they work,” he explains. “We had no place to learn informally from one another, to hash out problems, share successes and resources, or commiserate aside from the occasional conference get-togethers. I contacted a few virtual and real-life friends, and we took the plunge together.”

Since then, more than 56 trainers from 20 states have contributed their expertise in “free-flowing round table discussions,” says Coleman, who credits much of his success to support from his supervisor Teresa Schell and library director Audra Caplan. “We also tend to laugh a lot and have a really good time learning with and from one another.”

“What started out as a podcast for library trainers has become a movement,” says Lori Reed, a learning and development coordinator at Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, NC; a T Is for Training regular; and the managing editor of the new American Library Association Learning Blog, where Coleman is a blogger. “T Is for Training now has a podcast, web site, Google Group, and is on every social network known to mankind.” T is for terrific stuff for librarians.


Maurice Coleman, Harford County Public Library, Belcamp, MD

CURRENT POSITION Technical Trainer

DEGREE BA, University of Maryland, University College, expected 2013


NOM DE WEB baldgeekinmd

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