Navigating Research: How Academic Users Understand, Discover, and Utilize Reference Resources

How are reference resources used and perceived by academic librarians, faculty, and students? Join us as we discuss the findings from Oxford University Press’s recently published white paper. We’ll explain how research was conducted for this white paper, and then discuss some of the interesting findings that resulted from it. View On Demand
Presented by: Oxford University Press & Library Journal Event Date & Time: Thursday, August 31st, 2017, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ET / 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PT Register How are reference resources used and perceived by academic librarians, faculty, and students? What is the role of reference in today’s academic institutions? How do users seek information and guidance as they conduct research? Join us as we discuss the findings from Oxford University Press’s recently published white paper Navigating Research: How academic users understand, discover, and utilize reference resources. We’ll explain how research was conducted for this white paper, and then discuss some of the interesting findings that resulted from it.


  • Simon Pawley, Market Research Assistant, Oxford University Press
  • Dave Tyckoson, Librarian, Henry Madden Library, USC Fresno


  • Damon Zucca, Publisher of Scholarly Reference, Oxford University Press
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