Open Access and the Academic Community: A Librarian’s View

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MIke Zender

The Open Access community now needs to turn their attention to eliminating author-paid publication fees. It limits publication to those who can afford it. This seems completely the opposite to aim of Open Access but seen the other way around, that is, the only ones with access to distribution of their work are those with resources. Pay-to-publish stratifies the publishing world into the rich and powerful and everyone else.

Posted : 2023-12-04 15:32:35

Karen Coats

I note in this interview a question about benefits, but no question about potential drawbacks. I would be interested to hear a balanced view that considers, for instance, the impact of OA costs on early career researchers or those whose institutions don’t offer support for OA. Funds must come from somewhere, so how might research that ends up challenging the narrative of a funding body be compromised by the knowledge that a researcher must include a budget for OA in their proposals?

Posted : 2023-11-17 05:55:31



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