Read-Alikes for ‘Random in Death’ by J.D. Robb | LibraryReads

Random in Death by J.D. Robb is the top holds title of the week. LibraryReads and Library Journal offer read-alikes for patrons waiting to read this buzziest book.

Random in Death by J.D. Robb (St. Martin's) is the top holds title of the week. LibraryReads and Library Journal offer read-alikes for patrons waiting to read this buzziest book.

In a futuristic New York, Jenna has finally made it to a popular club to hear the iconic band Avenue A and maybe give her demo to guitarist Jake Kincade. But moments after he gives her a smile, Jemma stumbles out to the alley, sick and trembling and very soon dead, having been jabbed with a needle that ultimately proves to have contained both toxins and infectious agents. Now Lt. Eve Dallas must figure out whether Jemma was the target or just the random victim of someone who might strike again.—Barbara Hoffert

Ruby Fever by Ilona Andrews (Avon)

Appeared on the August 2022 LibraryReads list

“This action-packed sixth book in the Hidden Legacy series features Catalina Baylor. Together with her fiancé, Alessandro, Catalina must use her full abilities to prevent a catastrophic collapse of House Baylor—and the city of Houston. This conclusion to Catalina’s story arc satisfies questions that arose earlier in the series, while leaving the door open for future installments.”—Caroline Quintanilla, Seminole County Library, Casselberry, FL

Storm Echo by Nalini Singh (Berkley)

Appeared on the July 2022 LibraryReads list

“Scarred in the womb by his mother's Jax usage, Merchant family security specialist Ivan has an abnormal brain and knows he might need to be caged in the future. When he meets Soleil, a healer shifter, he finds hope for a better future. As these two characters learn what it means to be mated, the PsyNet is assaulted, and only Ivan can access the cutoff area. Amazing addition to this series!”—Susana Goldman, Alamance County Public Libraries, Burlington, NC

A Murder in Time by Julie McElwain (Pegasus Crime; LJ starred review)

Appeared on the April 2016 LibraryReads list

“Kendra is a smart, confident protagonist who is familiar with the hustle it takes to stay afloat in a male-dominated profession. Thrown into a situation completely alien to her, she manages to assimilate to her surroundings, albeit roughly, while using her wits to catch a ruthless killer. She can be abrasive, and I found myself cringing, curling my toes, and muttering out loud. It will be fun to watch her mature in future books. McElwain has created a highly entertaining story.”—Randee J. Bybee, Upland Public Library, Upland, CA

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