‘Haunt Your Heart Out’ by Amber Roberts | LJ Review of the Day

Featuring wonderfully developed characters and fluid, well-paced writing, Roberts’s (Text Appeal) latest is highly recommended for fans of small-town and supernatural romances.

Roberts, Amber. Haunt Your Heart Out. Alcove. Oct. 2024. 304p. ISBN 9781639109487. $30.99. CONTEMPORARY ROMANCE

When she was a young teen in Stowe, VT, Lex (a.k.a. Luna) and her best friend Natalie created a ghost-story vlog. Sometimes the background stories were true, and sometimes they came straight from Luna’s imagination. Lex never imagined anyone would believe that the hauntings were real. Now in her 30s, Lex is the manager of a quiet used-book store in Stowe. She knows all the full-time residents and simply ignores—and definitely doesn’t date—vacationers and newcomers. People leave, and she isn’t going to set herself up for another heartbreak—until James, a newcomer, asks her out. She soon discovers that James and his ghost-hunting documentary crew are in town to verify the stories from her younger self’s vlog. Lex is highly amused and reunites her friends to secretly lend some extra sound effects to the filming. As days pass, Lex starts to fall in love with James, a man whose time in Stowe is quickly drawing to a close. This steamy slow burn is filled with great characters, from the protagonists to the many spirits Luna vlogged about. VERDICT Featuring wonderfully developed characters and fluid, well-paced writing, Roberts’s (Text Appeal) latest is highly recommended for fans of small-town and supernatural romances.

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