Persuasion, the newest Jane Austen adaptation, arrives on July 15, from Netflix. Assist viewers, readers, and listeners who want more Austen with these suggestions.
Persuasion, the newest Jane Austen adaptation, arrives on July 15, from Netflix. The story, Austen’s last completed novel, combines emotional depth, wit, and sharp social and interpersonal observations with themes of love, judgment, and redemption. It tells the story of a young woman who was persuaded to reject the proposal of the man she loved. Over a decade later, she encounters him again when he arrives in her small village clearly in search of a bride. Assist viewers, readers, and listeners who want more Austen with these suggestions.
The list of Austen adaptations can seem endless but a clear high point occurred in 1995 with the release of notable versions of her best-known novels, including Persuasion, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, and Emma, in the form of Clueless.
There are even more book adaptations than films. The beloved stories get told and retold as mysteries, fantasy, spin-offs, and modernizations. Some top picks include Longbourn by Jo Baker, Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D. James, Recipe for Persuasion by Sonali Dev, The Other Bennet Sister by Janice Hadlow, Ayesha At Last by Uzma Jalaluddin, Heartstone by Elle Katharine White, and the “Being a Jane Austen Mystery” series by Stephanie Barron.
Listening to Austen brings out her wit, talent for dialog, sharp observations, and intimacy of conversations. Naxos offers outstanding editions read by Juliet Stevenson. Tantor Media has a suite of Austen audios, including those read wonderfully by Wanda McCaddon. Books on Tape has a strong edition of Pride and Prejudice read by Kate Reading and of Sense and Sensibility read by Donada Peters. Also look for Sense and Sensibility & Pride and Prejudice with the addition of Regency songs from Alison Larkin Presents.
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