Nancy Dowd
Will marketing result in increased funding? According to Library Journal’s November survey, most libraries think not—unless your library is serving a population of 500K+. Then 70 percent of the participants believe marketing helped. Interestingly, the majority of those surveyed from libraries of all sizes believed marketing increased their perceived value to elected officials and the community at large. If libraries could apply the influence of advocacy to their marketing strategies, they might see an increase their funding.Advocacy -- what it is and what it isn’t
I had the opportunity to listen to Ken Haycock, Research Professor of Management and Organization, University of Southern California, during the Advocacy Institute at the American Library Association (ALA) Mid-Winter conference. Haycock’s definition has become a mantra for him throughout the years: “Advocacy is a planned, deliberate, and sustained effort to develop understanding and support incrementally over time.” Of course, he is not alone in this definition: ALA and its divisions have been working tirelessly to educate libraries on this topic. He suggested libraries’ campaigns to increase funding were seldom based in research; lacked the metrics needed to measure results to know if funding increased; and didn’t conduct the evaluation needed to make improvements. It sounded harsh, but how many times have we heard of a new campaign designed to increase funding without ever reading about whether funding increased?Should you protest or partner?
You’d do better to go with partnerships. Haycock’s studies show that when it comes to funding, libraries are better off building relationships with elected officials rather than waging protests or conducting letter writing campaigns. In fact, he says elected officials are more likely to give money to people they know and like. Taking it a step further, he suggests you learn what they value and understand how they make their decisions. That way you can present your case from their point of view and easily connect how helping your library will help them achieve their goals. Good advice for marketing as well.Does size matter?
Rebekkah Smith Aldrich
Aldrich told the story of Phoenicia Library in New York. A small library with even a smaller budget, Phoenicia found itself in need of a new building after a fire gutted the old one. They wanted to rebuild a larger facility, and with the support of community members are on their way to getting the necessary approvals, despite protests and a lawsuit by its direct neighbors. “They had fabulous support from the community. They’d post information on their website and Facebook, and every time there was a hearing 100-200 people showed up in support. Here is an example of a small library with no money, but the community knew and valued them. That’s the real power of advocacy,” explained Aldrich.Is there money in visiting elected officials?
Well, they won’t be handing you cash over the table, but face-to-face visits are an essential part of building relationships. These strategies will work any time you visit an elected official, whether you are stopping by their office, addressing them at council, or welcoming them to your library.Tweeting for dollars?
Certainly social media provides access to elected officials’ opinions and activities like never before. At the very least, follow your elected officials. You may even want to set up searches on topics relevant to your library. Falcon loves Twitter as an outlet for advocacy. She is connected to every local, county, and state official, and makes sure she retweets anything related to her libraries, including education and jobs. The key to her success is that she connects the dots for readers. A typical retweet would include a message saying, “Our libraries are concerned about this too.” Over time she has built an important relationship with the crew that runs her governor’s social media. That relationship resulted in an invitation to the governor’s first-ever “Tweetup,” where she was able to address a significant financial issue her library was facing and gain his support. “There were only 12 people there, and when I was asked if I had any issues, the governor gave me complete attention. I wouldn’t have been there had I not used social media as part of my advocacy tools,” explained Falcon.Marketing for Dollars
Obviously, marketing and advocacy go hand-in-hand. Both require you to know what is important to your community, build relationships, and articulate your value. Library Journal’s survey touches on the gap between a positive perception of the library and the commitment to increase funding, reinforcing the need for libraries to embark on advocacy efforts that are planned, measured, and evaluated.A Little Inspiration to Get You Going
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