The Innovator’s Dilemma – what it means for libraries

I’ve been re-reading this classic title, The Innovator’s Dilemma’s by Clayton Christensen, as I continue to think deeply about libraries and marketing and now as Chief Customer Experience Officer. It’s nothing less than a textbook for libraries as we move into an ambiguous future turned upside down by eBooks. I know, I know. You’ll say that eBook users are only 25% of readers and that data suggests that people reading on eBooks read more. To that I say: start reading this book right now. eBooks represent what Christensen calls disruptive technology. In the short term these innovations are more fringe than mainstream, underperform in some ways, but in the near term transform behavior permanently. Some great examples he cites: Established Technology Disruptive Technology Printed greeting cards Free greeting cards via the internet Offset printing Digital printing Graduate schools of management In-house corporate management training Cardiac bypass surgery Angioplasty Standard textbooks Modular digital textbooks But here’s where we really need to pay attention. Why did companies fail to adapt – like Sears, Kodak, etc.? Because they did the same things that make companies succeed: they listened to their customers. And I’d suggest that, like many in libraries, we listen to ourselves: because people who work in libraries do so because they love books, they are blinded by their own beliefs and aren’t seeing what is happening. I was talking recently to a group of staff and talking about how eBooks represent serious competition to our industry that traditionally hasn’t faced competition and so doesn’t recognize it. Oh, no, they said. People in our neighborhoods don’t have eBooks and so that isn’t relevant. But guess what? The taxpayers who fund our work are buying eReaders and are beginning to ask why should they fund an outmoded institution. Seriously. I’ve had this conversation several times this year and it is scaring the heck out of me. But rather than run scared, I maintain that’s where marketing plays a key role. Marketing helps define value and then – through multiple channels – communicates that value. And we need to make sure we emphasize that value as something much more than books. It will be hard work and we have a lot of people to get on board, but I believe it is possible.
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Info Ninja

"The taxpayers who fund our work are buying eReaders and are beginning to ask why should they fund an outmoded institution." I agree with the core of your argument, but I believe that most of the people who are asking this question are not library users (and in many cases, never were). That isn't to say we shouldn't try to turn them into library users, but it's my experience that a lot of the 'why do I have to pay for libraries' talk in the current economic and political environmental can be translated into 'Other people use libraries. I don't, so cut them. But if you come after a service I care about, I'll scream bloody murder.'

Posted : May 30, 2012 03:59

Spongebob Librarypants

The line "eBooks represent serious competition to our industry that traditionally hasn’t faced competition and so doesn’t recognize it" is not entirely accurate. At least since the mid 1990's, when the internet really began to take a foothold in many public libraries, we have faced competition. Google,, LSSI, all of these entities have been around for years and have, at one time or another and in one way or another, been viewed as competition for libraries.

Posted : May 30, 2012 01:05


Staff are "customers" too. Does anyone think about their "experience"?

Posted : May 29, 2012 11:52



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