Studies in Virology, Antibiotic-Resistant Infections, and Advances in Immunology | Academic Best Sellers in Microbiology

A riveting insider's look at the race to find a cure for antibiotic-resistant infections; the fascinating story of the search for cancer viruses in the US; and an insight into contemporary, robust methodologies for studies into the pathogenicity and virulence of human and animal bacterial pathogens top the list of best-selling microbiology books, as compiled by GOBI Library Solutions from EBSCO.

A riveting insider's look at the race to find a cure for antibiotic-resistant infections; the fascinating story of the search for cancer viruses in the US; and an insight into contemporary, robust methodologies for studies into the pathogenicity and virulence of human and animal bacterial pathogens top the list of best-selling microbiology books, as compiled by GOBI Library Solutions from EBSCO.

1. Superbugs: The Race To Stop an Epidemic
McCarthy, Matt
Penguin Random House. 2019. ISBN 9780735217508. $26.

2. Contagious Cause: The American Hunt for Cancer Viruses and the Rise of Molecular Medicine
Scheffler, Robin Wolfe
University of Chicago Press. 2019. ISBN 9780226458892. $120.

3. Bacteriology Methods for the Study of Infectious Diseases
Jenkins, Rowena
Elsevier Academic Press. 2019. ISBN 9780128152225. $150.

4. Quorum Sensing: Molecular Mechanism and Biotechnological Application
Tommonaro, Giuseppina
Elsevier Academic Press. 2019. ISBN 9780128149058. $125.

5. Good Hygiene Practices and Their Prevention of Biofilms in the Food Industry
Fink, Rok
Cambridge Scholars Publisher. 2019. ISBN 9781527535893. $99.95.

6. Advances in Immunology
Alt, Frederick W.
Elsevier Academic Press. 2019. ISBN 9780128177044. $193.

7. Advances in Microbial Physiology
Poole, Robert K.
Elsevier Academic Press. 2019. ISBN 9780128177129. $179.

8. Oilfield Microbiology
Skovhus, Torben Lund
CRC Press. 2019. ISBN 9781138057753. $169.95.

9. Advances in Immunology: Advances in Immunology in China, Part A
Dong, Chen
Elsevier Academic Press. 2019. ISBN 9780128177082. $193.

10. NETosis: Immunity, Pathogenesis and Therapeutics
Rai, Geeta
Elsevier Academic Press. 2019. ISBN 9780128161470. $130.

11. Nanocellulose: From Fundamentals to Advanced Materials
Huang, Jin
Wiley-VCH. 2019. ISBN 9783527342693. $159.

12. Evolutionary Concepts In Immunology
Jack, Robert
Springer. 2019. ISBN 9783030186661. $99.99.

13. Rhinovirus Infections: Rethinking the Impact on Human Health and Disease
Bartlett, Nathan
Elsevier Academic Press. 2019. ISBN 9780128164174. $175.

14. Advances in Virus Research: Complementary Strategies To Understand Virus Structure and Function
Rey, Felix A.
Elsevier Academic Press. 2019. ISBN 9780128184561. $171.

15. Advances in Virus Research: Virus Entry
Kielian, Margaret
Elsevier Academic Press. 2019. ISBN 9780128183946. $171.

16. Advances in Applied Microbiology
Gadd, Geoffrey Michael
Elsevier Academic Press. 2019. ISBN 9780128176184. $142.

17. Biotechnology of Microorganisms: Diversity, Improvement, and Application of Microbes for Food Processing, Healthcare, Environmental Safety, and Agriculture
Sangeetha, Jeyabalan
Apple Academic Press. 2020. ISBN 9781771887472. $159.95.

18. Emerging and Reemerging Viral Pathogens: Applied Virology Approaches Related to Human, Animal and Environmental Pathogens
Ennaji, Moulay Mustapha
Elsevier Academic Press. 2020. ISBN 9780128149669. $175.

19. Microbial Biofilms: Current Research and Future Trends
Yadav, Mukesh Kumar
Elsevier Academic Press. 2020. ISBN 9780444642790. $210.

20. Epigenetics of Autoimmunity
Zhang, Rongxin
Elsevier Academic Press. 2018. ISBN 9780128096124. $185.

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Kim Chamberlain

Thank you for this insightful article. As a public librarian, I am more than a little concerned. In fact, I drafted a heartfelt letter describing the typical tasks of certified, degreed librarians from my personal point of view. In turn, I emailed this letter to the legislators involved with this bill. I have very little faith that my words or any librarian's concern regarding this bill will be heeded by the GA legislators who concocted this scheme.

Posted : 2024-02-23 14:56:11



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