The Clintons and The Donald: Cast Your Ballot Here | Presidential DVDs

Library Journal couldn't let the election hoopla go unnoticed, so we asked reviewer STEPHEN L. HUPP to take a look at two DVD programs now available that might persuade on-the-fence voters to throw their support to one of the candidates. Or might these films convince the already committed to flip? It's anyone's game
Library Journal couldn't let the election hoopla go unnoticed, so we asked reviewer STEPHEN L. HUPP to take a look at two DVD programs now available that might persuade on-the-fence voters to throw their support to one of the candidates. Or might these films convince the already committed to flip? It's anyone's game.
starred review starThe Hunting of the President Redux. 92 min. Harry Thomason & Nickolas Perry, dist. by Virgil Films, 2016. DVD UPC 829567122327. $14.99. Closed-captioned. POLITICS Conspiracy theories abound in politics, with most proving to be the stuff of fairy tales. Not in this case, however. Based on Gene Lyons and Joe Conason’s best-selling 2000 book, The Hunting of the President: The Ten-Year Campaign To Destroy Bill and Hillary Clinton, this film documents efforts by right-wing groups to crush the political aspirations of the Clintons. Their Arkansas political foes fed rumors for cash about Bill Clinton's sexual infidelities and the couples' real estate dealings to, first, conservative journalists and commentators, then to the mainstream media. Funding for the ensuing investigations came from wealthy Republican supporters, particularly billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife. In response, the Justice Department established an independent counsel to check out the allegations. However, Kenneth Starr, a known Clinton opponent, expanded the range of the probes. In the end, though, after millions of taxpayer dollars were spent, the claims against the Clintons proved baseless. The film faults the media for lack of careful research and seeking headlines over the truth. Ironically, Clinton and Scaife reconciled, and the former president gave a touching eulogy at the man's 2014 funeral. VERDICT As Hillary Clinton contends for the presidency amid new accusations, one may ask, is history repeating itself? All voters should watch this film.—Stephen L. Hupp, West Virginia Univ. Parkersburg Lib. 1 Nation Under Trump. 62 min. Evan Tramel, dist. by MVDVisual, 2016. DVD UPC 760137896197. $14.95. POLITICS Donald Trump's phenomenal rise to the Republican presidential candidacy has both amazed and confounded the country as he defied all expectations of political commentators. This documentary aims to portray the man in his own words. The brief opening biography highlights his success in business and as a best-selling author and television celebrity. Next comes Trump's decision to enter the Republican presidential primaries. Then the film falls short. The remainder consists of extended, repetitive clips from media coverage of Trump's debates and rally appearances. The limited narration linking segments is decidedly pro-Trump, but there is no analysis; no interviews with Trump supporters, detractors, or family members; and no additional materials providing context. The candidate's powerful command of television to relay his message comes across strongly. There are no references to recent revelations regarding his past comments about and behavior toward women. VERDICT In the end, if you favor Trump, you will enjoy this production. If you don't, you'll likely hate it.—Stephen L. Hupp, West Virginia Univ. Parkersburg, Lib.  
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