Thriller Previews, Names You Know: Jan. 2024, Pt. 2 | Prepub Alert

Big names, big print runs in thrillers.

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Hawkins, Rachel. The Heiress. St. Martin’s. Jan. 2024. 304p. ISBN 9781250280039. $29. CD. THRILLER

Kahler, Abbott. Where You End. Holt. Jan. 2024. 336p. ISBN 9781250873248. $27.99. Downloadable. THRILLER

Krentz, Jayne Ann. The Night Island. Berkley. Jan. 2024. 336p. ISBN 9780593639856. $29. THRILLER

Michaelides, Alex. The Fury. Celadon: Macmillan. Jan. 2024. 320p. ISBN 9781250758989. $28.99. CD/downloadable. THRILLER

Patterson, James & Adam Hamdy. Private: Missing Persons. Grand Central. Jan. 2024. 368p. ISBN 9781538754528. pap. $19.99. lrg. prnt. THRILLER

Robotham, Michael. Before You Found Me. Scribner. Jan. 2024. 352p. ISBN 9781668030998. $28. THRILLER

Taylor, Brad. Dead Man’s Hand. Morrow. (Pike Logan, Bk. 18). Jan. 2024. 464p. ISBN 9780063222052. $32. lrg. prnt. THRILLER

Willingham, Stacy. Only If You're Lucky. Minotaur: St. Martin’s. 368p. ISBN 9781250887931. $29. CD/downloadable. THRILLER

In the latest from the New York Times best-selling Hawkins, Camden McTavish long ago rejected his inheritance from his adoptive mother, an Heiress kidnapped as a child and widowed four times, but returns home to North Carolina when his uncle’s death raises disturbing questions about his mother’s past (200,000-copy first printing). From Kahler, who previously wrote as Karen Abbott, Where You End features a young woman whose twin sister helps her rebuild her identity post-coma—except maybe the sister isn’t telling the truth (175,000-copy first printing). In the mega-best-selling Krentz’s Sleep No More, Pallas Llewellyn, Talia March, and Amelia Rivers developed mysterious powers on a night none of them can remember and launch a podcast called The Lost Night Files; now Pallas tracks a missing podcast informant to The Night Island. In The Fury, which follows up Michaelides’s first two thrillers, both New York Times best sellers, a reclusive former actress invites friends to celebrate Easter on her private Greek island—with the festivities disrupted by murder. In Patterson and Hamdy’s latest Private tale, the head of the eponymous investigation agency is asked by a wealthy businessman to find his missing daughter and grandchildren and ends up back in Afghanistan, where his career in the U.S. Marines blew up. The Steel Dagger–honored Robotham’s Before You Found Me revisits Evie Cormac and Cyrus Haven, the psychologist who has helped her since childhood, with the deliberate sinking of a boat carrying migrants possibly yielding clues to Evie’s mysterious past. In Taylor’s Dead Man’s Hand, Pike Logan is tasked with countering an assassin sent to decimate a bunch of breakout Ukrainian partisans working with anti-Putin forces inside Russian military intelligence to assassinate Putin; then it gets really complicated. In the New York Times best-selling Willingham’s Only If You’re Lucky, mousy Margot starts shrugging off her inhibitions when she’s picked by shining-star Lucy to room together with two other women during sophomore year, but by midyear the frat boy next door has been murdered and Lucy has disappeared (250,000-copy first printing).

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Barbara Hoffert

Barbara Hoffert (, @BarbaraHoffert on Twitter) is Editor, LJ Prepub Alert; winner of ALA's Louis Shores Award for reviewing; and past president, awards chair, and treasurer of the National Book Critics Circle, which awarded her its inaugural Service Award in 2023.

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