Women’s History Month 2024 | A Reading List

In 1987, Women’s History Month was formally recognized by presidential proclamation as a monthlong celebration to honor women’s contributions, accomplishments, and voices throughout United States history. The following books spotlight extraordinary women from the distant and not-so-distant past—women both imagined and real, famous and little-known, and from varied cultures, countries, and continents.

In 1987, Women’s History Month was formally recognized by presidential proclamation as a monthlong celebration to honor women’s contributions, accomplishments, and voices throughout United States history. The following books spotlight extraordinary women from the distant and not-so-distant past—women both imagined and real, famous and little-known, and from varied cultures, countries, and continents. These titles, and those selected from previous years, are available as a downloadable spreadsheet.


Bennett, Brit. The Vanishing Half. Riverhead. Jun. 2020. 352p. ISBN 9780525536291. HISTORICAL

Cravens, Claudia. Lucky Red. Dial. Jun. 2023. 304p. ISBN 9780593498248. WESTERN

Fremantle, Elizabeth. Disobedient. Pegasus. Aug. 2023. 368p. ISBN 9781639364152. HISTORICAL

Hakes, Jasmin Iolani. Hula. HarperVia. May 2023. 400p. ISBN 9780063276987. FICTION/Cultural Heritage

Rooney, Kathleen. From Dust to Stardust. Lake Union. Aug. 2023. 285p. ISBN 9781662510595. HISTORICAL


Crowther, Kathleen M. Policing Pregnant Bodies: From Ancient Greece to Post-Roe America. Johns Hopkins Univ. Oct. 2023. 288p. ISBN 9781421447636. SOCIAL SCIENCE

Miles, Tiya. All That She Carried: The Journey of Ashley’s Sack, a Black Family Keepsake. Random. Jun. 2021. 416p. ISBN 9781984854995. $28. HISTORY

Sevigny, Melissa L. Brave the Wild River: The Untold Storyof Two Women Who Mapped the Botany of the Grand Canyon. Norton. May 2023. 304p. ISBN 9780393868234. BIOGRAPHY

Shields, Aomawa. Life on Other Planets: A Memoir of Finding My Place in the Universe. Viking. Jul. 2023. 352p. ISBN 9780593299180. MEMOIR

Walker, Alice. Gathering Blossoms Under Fire: The Journals of Alice Walker, 1965–2000. S. & S. Apr. 2022. 560p. ed. by Valerie Boyd. ISBN 9781476773155. MEMOIR

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