Core Samples from the World

Gander, Forrest (text) & Raymond Meeks & others (photogs.). New Directions, dist. by Norton. May 2011. c.96p. photogs. ISBN 9780811218870. pap. $15.95. POETRY
A foreigner with poetry as his passport, Pushcart/Whiting award winner Gander (Eye Against Eye) takes "core samples" of the cultures he finds on journeys to China, Mexico, Chile, and Bosnia and Herzegovina and presents them in a blend of poetry, haibun (a Japanese form of essay-poem), and photography (by a trio of others). "Did you know Bosnia is the only country without a McDonald's?" a new friend in Sarajevo asks him; while in San Luis Potosí, another man points out Julieta, owner of "the most famous legs in Mexico," since they were caught on video when tossed into the air by a renegade bull. In Beijing, Gander marvels at what "appears to be a casino boat on the lake," ornate and beautiful, "carved from ocherous marble." But not all is easygoing: "At dinner, the Santiago poet averts her face from the gringo…. A synecdoche, he is taken for his government…. With suspicion at the threshold of dialogue, there is always a word blocking the first word."
VERDICT This impressive compendium takes us to corners of the world well worth seeing, particularly through Gander's eyes. Recommended for all readers of contemporary poetry.
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