Dedicated to the Soul: The Writings and Drawings of Emma Jung

Princeton Univ. Jan. 2025. 432p. ed. by Ann Conrad Lammers & others. ISBN 9780691253275. $35. PSYCH
Jung (1882–1955) was a psychoanalyst, speaker, and artist, active in the analytical psychology community and interested in helping people learn about themselves and their behaviors. She was also the wife of Carl Jung and has historically been overshadowed by the renowned psychologist and his work; this book shows that she expressed such feelings during her lifetime. The editors of this title (Jungian psychotherapist Lammers; Thomas Fischer, editor at the Foundation of the Works of C.G. Jung; and art scholar Medea Hoch) provide an engaging look at Emma Jung’s life and accomplishments, situating her within the social and historical context in which she lived. This title also gives readers access to previously unpublished works of hers, including paintings, lectures, poems, and analyses of her own dreams. The editors annotate her other works too, with helpful background information.
VERDICT A thoughtful look at Emma Jung in her own right that will be a useful volume for readers wanting to know more about her life and fascinating work. This collection lets her speak for herself.
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