Find It in the Talmud: An Encyclopedia of Jewish Ethics and Conduct

Urim. 2014. 525p. ISBN 9789655241464. $34.95. REF
With an alphabetical list of subject entries following an overview of the order of the Jewish Talmud, a list of abbreviations used, and an explanation of Talmudic expressions, longtime Talmud student Judovits's (Sages of the Talmud) work will help anyone seeking a Talmudic reference to support their ideas in writing or speaking. The English-language entries helps make the Talmud more approachable to non-Hebrew speakers, and the references to the Talmud in each summary offer the more advanced reader the original source of the item. Lengthier entries address events or complete stories; however, some items are brief, offering the title of a topic and a description, though more information can be gained through the sources referenced. Of benefit, especially to those who are not familiar with the Talmud, is an identification of the entries as ethereal or anecdotal information, with icons as appropriate and the repetition under different headings of sources from the Talmud. Whether readers want to know about Alexander the Macedonian king and what the Talmud says about him or need to find a discussion of alleys in the ancient text, this book is beneficial.
VERDICT Geared toward a Jewish audience, this volume will be of minimal benefit to non-Jewish readers who are not interested in finding information in the Jewish Talmud. However, those who are studying the central text or those simply wanting to find a quotation to strengthen their speech, will find the material helpful.
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