A man safely locks his family away in a fallout shelter prior to a thermonuclear exchange. However, he locked himself out and took the full brunt of an atomic bomb that, strangely not only didn’t kill him, but left him with a terrible gift of unimaginable radiation that must be constantly corked, like a genie in a bottle. As a kind of immortal, the man (now known as Geiger) walks the chaotic earth like a knight errant, attempting to always keep his family safe from post-apocalyptic bandits and the henchmen of the new
King of Las Vegas. Bonus artwork in the back. Johns (
Flashpoint) and Frank (Kin) have produced a beautifully rendered story with overtones of
Mad Max and
The Terminator.
VERDICT The sublime coloring makes this graphic novel a sparkling gem in this genre. Although the story does not feel original, fans of high-quality graphic artwork, reluctant super-antiheroes, and bombastic fight scenes will truly love this ambitious and wonderfully composed book.
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