Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide

2 discs. color. 4+ hrs. Maro Chermayeff, Show of Force & Fugitive Films, dist. by Docudrama c/o New Video, 800-314-8822; 2012. DVD ISBN 9781422922279. $29.95. INT AFFAIRS/WOMEN'S STUDIES
OrangeReviewStarBased on Pulitzer Prize winners Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn's book of the same title, Half the Sky spans ten countries and enlists the support of a cast of celebrities, including Meg Ryan, Eva Mendes, and Diane Lane, in an effort to cause awareness of the suffering of women around the globe embedded in the harsh world of gender inequality. Whether detailing the horrors of female genital mutilation (FGM) in Somaliland or forced prostitution in India, Kristof, WuDunn, and their accompanying celebrity advocates take seriously the task of empowering women through education, the democratization of health care, and the edification of the people of the world about the burdens that come with the stigma of second-class citizenship.
VERDICT The scenes of life across Southeast Asia, Africa, and India are intense and the emotions both free-flowing and powerfully raw. No member of the global village can stand to miss this truly enlightening film; highly recommended.
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