Herding Immunity: The Startling History of Life Before and After Vaccines

Rowman & Littlefield. Nov. 2024. 280p. ISBN 9781538175439. $34. HIST
Herlihy (Your Baby’s Best Shot: Why Vaccines Are Safe and Save Lives) presents a pro-vaccine argument grounded by the history of vaccines in the U.S., from the early days of clergy Cotton Mather to the COVID pandemic. Her book defines inoculation, variolation, and vaccination; cites examples from smallpox, polio, and rubella; and details how the U.S. has been fighting over vaccines, and their benefits, throughout history. The initial failure and later success of the polio vaccine are covered well. There’s an entire chapter devoted to Andrew Wakefield’s Lancet paper on MMR vaccinations and autism, which caused a stir in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and an equally long chapter on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s political influence on vaccines. The remainder of the book focuses on the modern influences of social media and misinformation, with stories and examples about the importance of vaccine advocacy. Herlihy’s point is clear: vaccines are important for a healthy society, but the sometimes-simplistic writing style includes many cliched statements about public health and public figures, which may be off-putting to some readers.
VERDICT A fit for parenting collections in communities where vaccine arguments are front and center.
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