Jade War

Orbit: Hachette. (Green Bone, Bk. 2). Jul. 2019. 608p. ISBN 9780316440929. $26; ebk. ISBN 9780316440936. FANTASY
On the island nation of Kekon, the Kaul family continues to fight with the Mountain clan, as the rivals shift control back and forth in a feud going back generations. However, beyond Kekon lie other threats, as the country’s primary resource, jade—which endows magical powers to the trained Green Bone warriors of Kekon—becomes increasingly coveted by military and criminal forces alike. As Hilo and Shae struggle in their positions as Pillar and Weather Man, leader and advisor, and brother and sister, they soon face threats from inside and outside the family, making choices that will affect not only their loved ones but the future of all Green Bones. This smart and action-filled fantasy, filled with vibrant characters, weaves intricate plot threads throughout, positioning many female characters front and center.
VERDICT The follow-up to Lee’s Jade City delves further into her Asia-inspired world, embracing topics of family, relocation, and relations between rival factions. The setup for the final book will leave readers breathless with anticipation.
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