Jessica Farm

Fantagraphics. Oct. 2024. 304p. ISBN 9781683969938. $29.99. HORROR
A young woman navigates a series of misadventures on a quest through a world of surreal horror in this opus of psychological terror and visceral shock from Simmons (House). Jessica Farm leaps out of bed on Christmas morning, buzzing with excitement that only grows when the talking monkey perched on her nightstand reports having seen a huge heap of presents with her name on them piled beneath the tree downstairs. Travelling between her bedroom and the living room isn’t exactly easy, though—while the exterior of Jessica’s house resembles an average, if slightly rundown, midcentury, Midwestern farmhouse, the interior is a logic-defying tangle of narrow corridors, winding passageways, and staircases that spiral upward seemingly dozens of stories. To further complicate matters, the house is inhabited by a huge cast of odd and often eerily menacing characters and is also currently being invaded by a creature called the Grokk-Flokker and his horde of ferocious monsters.
VERDICT An exhilaratingly horrific tour de force. There may not be another creator of horror stories working in comics, film, or prose today who comes even close to rivaling Simmons’s ability to evoke an atmosphere of menace and dread.
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