Killers of a Certain Age

Berkley. Sept. 2022. 368p. ISBN 9780593200681. $27. M
Billie Webster was a college student when she was recruited by The Museum. She, Helen, Mary Alice, and Natalie were the first all-women team of assassins trained to kill Nazis. Eventually, they moved from Nazis to dictators, arms dealers, drug smugglers, and sex traffickers. It was an excellent job with full benefits, including retirement now, 40 years later. When they go on a cruise, though, Billie recognizes a fellow assassin who hasn’t made contact with them. Her team reunites for work when they realize they are the targets, now expendable as retirees. Before they blow up the ship to give themselves time to gather information, they make sure all the passengers are off safely. It becomes a fast-paced gamble to see if they can save themselves before skilled assassins take them out. Although they were trained by a mentor at The Museum, even the present board underestimates women, and killers, of a certain age.
VERDICT Fans of Raybourn’s “Veronica Speedwell” historical mysteries will enjoy this well-plotted story, and a thriller featuring four skilled, well-trained women is a treat in a male-dominated genre. A fast-paced, explosive, fun novel, reminiscent of the 2010 movie RED.
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