Set only months after the series debut, Nagendra’s next “Bangalore Detectives Club” mystery is a fast paced and engaging story. Amidst a backdrop of 1920s colonial British rule and the exploitation of women, plucky 19-year-old Kaveri Murthy has gained notoriety as a woman detective. While attending the Bangalore Horse, Dog and Animal Show, she is introduced to her mother-in-law’s cousin, Shanthi Sharma, who hires Kaveri to investigate embezzlement at her husband’s manufacturing company. Kaveri makes plans to meet Shanthi at the factory’s back entrance later that night, but a mysterious note compels her to go an hour early. Upon her arrival at the mill, Kaveri hears a gunshot and discovers the industrialist dead in his office, her missing gold chain clutched in his hand. Though the local police are investigating the murder, both Shanthi and her daughter-in-law try to convince Kaveri of the other’s guilt. Stymied, and frustrated that her inquiry is going nowhere, she rallies her women’s club, and they don’t disappoint, quickly formulating a plan to uncover the truth.
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