Valencia’s debut short story collection finds women of all ages and experiences faced with horror, both real and supernatural. “Dogs” tells the story of a scriptwriter’s break in the desert where, during a walk, she is threatened by a pack of menacing dogs. Rescued by an innocuous-looking man in a truck, she finds that danger comes in all forms. “The White Place,” perhaps the strongest story in the collection, depicts a sixtysomething artist, her twentysomething lover who uses her to get his artwork noticed, and the teenager he has impregnated. A mysterious glowing orb in the desert informs each character’s actions, leading to an eerie ending. The title story follows a TV crew filming a publicity stunt out in the desert, which is hijacked by an influencer and her violent acolytes. “Trogloxene” is the utterly creepy tale of two sisters who enter a cave with their parents on a tour; only one emerges. Jess Nahikian narrates the stories with effective pacing, impressive inflection, and a real ability to convey the odd circumstances of each tale. Her immersive narration draws listeners in and inexorably ratchets up the tension.
VERDICT For collections where horror and short stories are popular.
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