Radiant: Embracing Your Power and Beauty at Midlife

Wellfleet. Jun. 2024. 192p. ISBN 9781577154228. $19.99. SELF-HELP
Whitehurst (The Self-Love Superpower), a spiritual teacher who focuses on magical practices, offers a positive and uplifting guide for women in middle age who want to age gracefully. The book is full of affirmations to build self-confidence and command authority, and to give permission to changes readers are likely already seeking using the wisdom they’ve gained. Whitehurst provides projects and exercises to help readers clear clutter from their lives, along with holistic and practical approaches for self-care, receiving advice from respected people, and approaching each day with deliberation. The book might not resonate with all readers because of its spiritual aspects, but it’s a comforting read that contains relevant and worthwhile advice on a wide range of topics including skin care, home design, finance, and deportment. At the end, Whitehurst provides a positive-habit checklist that serves as a quick guide after reading.
VERDICT This would be a fun book club selection for wellness groups and is a solid addition for displays on related subjects.
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