A mystery unfolds surrounding the disappearance of Phoebe, an aspiring young travel blogger documenting her journey around the Australian coast. As the novel opens, listeners are introduced to Katie, Phoebe’s sister, who has begun a quest to find Phoebe a year after she went missing. Pieces of the story are slowly woven together, allowing listeners to learn more about Phoebe’s past and where she might have disappeared and why. Along Katie’s journey, she teams up with Lilly, an American traveler with a hidden past. Together, the two women search for and investigate clues they hope will lead them to the missing blogger. Along the way, they encounter new people and learn that no one is quite who they seem to be. Downes’s (
The Shadow House) tale is told using the alternating voices of several characters, and narrator Maddy Withington engages listeners by using a different voice for each person. Phoebe’s blog posts, complete with photos and user responses, are read and described by Withington.
VERDICT Although the audiobook is somewhat lengthy, its storyline is captivating, with plot twists to keep listeners wondering if Phoebe will ever be found.
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