Rosemary Gladstar's Herbal Healing for Men: Remedies and Recipes for Circulation Support, Heart Health, Vitality, Prostate Health, Anxiety Relief, Longevity, Virility, Energy & Endurance

Storey. Jun. 2017. 224p. illus. index. ISBN 9781612124773. pap. $16.95; ebk. ISBN 9781612124780. HEALTH
Gladstar, the "godmother of American herbalism," does for menfolk what she did for the other sex in Herbal Healing for Women. This book's four-part structure allows a thorough overview, including: step-by-step herbal remedy preparation (e.g., teas, tinctures, oils, capsules, salves); favorite recipes for overall health; remedies for specific health issues; and a "man's herbal medicine chest," featuring 30 essential herbs. Sidebars scattered throughout support the author's holistic message with ideas about diet, exercise, inner work, etc. A wide range of men's health issues and treatments, from athlete's foot to heart disease, depression to prostatitis, are discussed; men's nether bits are a recurring subject, which, Gladstar explains, is "a really big concern for a lot of men." If the bright graphics and large, plentiful color photographs don't entice readers, then its intriguing potions, fetchingly named, surely will—e.g., "Long Life Elixir," "Hawthorn Heart Tonic Honey," "Pan's Boner Toner." Gladstar's attention to safe use of herbal remedies is noteworthy, as is her concern for sustainable plant harvest.
VERDICT This book is well suited to the male home herbal novice. Given the author's eminence and that the promotion of men's healthy lifestyles appears to be trending, it should also appeal to a wider audience, including more experienced herbalists.
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