So Thirsty

Berkley. Sept. 2024. 304p. ISBN 9780593642542. $29. HORROR
Harrison’s (Black Sheep) latest features a millennial woman named Sloane who is struggling to feel satisfied in her life after her husband cheats on her. When he gifts her a spa weekend with her best friend in upstate New York for her birthday, she is excited for the time away but wonders if he has ulterior motives. While on the trip, she and her friend Naomi have a wild time of their own once they meet up with a group of eccentric Europeans; soon their lives are changed forever. Sloane is relatable as a main character who questions her life and choices. Over the course of the novel, she will not only face her fear of getting older and her husband cheating again but will also consider her relationships with her best friend and with herself. Most importantly, Sloane has to decide if she can do what it takes to live forever.
VERDICT With a realistic protagonist who faces choices that are sometimes scarier than monsters, this book will have readers sinking their teeth in.
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