The Digital Mom Handbook

How To Blog, Vlog, Tweet, and Facebook Your Way to a Dream Career at Home
McClelland, Audrey & Colleen Padilla. The Digital Mom Handbook: How To Blog, Vlog, Tweet, and Facebook Your Way to a Dream Career at Home. HarperBusiness: HarperCollins. 2011. c.256p. index. ISBN 9780062048271. pap. $15.99. CAREERS
McClelland and Padilla, who founded and edit the sites and, respectively, share their experiences as "mompreneurs" working online while raising their kids. Their "how we did it" advice is supplemented by other success stories, and their focus on finding a passion and tribe will inspire readers with ideas but no clue where to begin. Strategies and tips are provided to seek balance between child rearing and having a creative/business outlet that one hopes provides income. Points of entry they encourage to the digital world include a blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and podcasting. This quick overview emphasizes taking the steps to realize one's goals without sacrificing family time. McClelland and Padilla also discuss questions of integrity when using your children within your business or dealing with large corporations that want your endorsements.
VERDICT This handy guide will help stay-at-home parents turn their dreams into reality. Working parents looking for a broader guide to starting a business should consider Aliza Sherman and Danielle Smith's Mom, Incorporated (reviewed below).
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