Covering U.S. and Canadian animated TV programs that aired between 1948 and 2016, Perlmutter (
America Toons In: A History in Television Animation) has arranged entries alphabetically by title, with production credits (including extensive information on writers and actors), a synopsis, and commentary on the show's history, quality, production, and influence. This comprehensive encyclopedia omits only anime (because even when it aired in the United States or Canada, it wasn't originally produced for those audiences). Not every show receives an extensive critique, but that's to be expected, given the scope, and Perlmutter points out how and why some programs were particularly significant. While he doesn't hide his personal opinions completely, he praises a wide variety of shows for their creativity and innovation, from
He-Man to early seasons of
Family Guy, and the only consistent targets of his disdain are sloppiness, poor quality control, and the unabashed use of cartoons to sell products to children. A succinct but informative introduction discusses the history of animation as a commercial medium, from the early 20th century to the present. Occasional black-and-white illustrations are scattered throughout.
VERDICT Best suited for a specialized audiences such as college students focusing on film, television, or art.
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