DEBUT In this South American–inspired fantasy debut, two young women grapple with their beliefs while working with gods and magic that have been forbidden to them. Reina is a half-human nozariel seeking shelter from a land that would enslave her. When she finds her grandmother, she is sucked into a world of dangerous magic and worship of a god that she fears. Eva is a half-human valco living in a family that wants to use her for their advantage. She believes she has found a way out of their grasp, but winds up in a situation much more sinister. The novel unfolds through both Reina’s and Eva’s points of view. Unfortunately, the characters and voices are often very similar, as are their storylines, making it hard to remember whose perspective one is reading.
VERDICT Written with passion by an debut novelist born and raised in Venezuela; all of the hallmarks of an epic fantasy are here, but the story gets off to a slow start.
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