The Village Library Demon-Hunting Society

Ace: Berkley. Sept. 2024. 352p. ISBN 9781984805881. pap. $19. FANTASY
Librarian Sherry Pinkwhistle enjoyed her star turn as Winesap’s Jessica Fletcher—until her boyfriend became the latest murder victim. She’s too broken up to conduct her usual investigation, which is when she learns that Winesap doesn’t just have a murder rate to rival New York City, it has a demon problem too. The demon has decided that it’s Sherry’s job to investigate murders and keep it entertained, because immortality is boring and the Golden Age of Mystery was just so much fun. So Sherry, along with her very own “Scooby gang,” starts investigating ways to make the demon leave her and Winesap alone. The book’s Jessica Fletcher–meets–Buffy Summers premise does a great job of hooking readers, and there is plenty of fun to be had in it as Sherry has to figure out whodunnit in the case of her boyfriend’s murder, discover why the demon has turned Winesap into their own private playhouse for murder investigations, and find a way to stop the demon before the population of Winesap drops to zero.
VERDICT Waggoner’s (The Ruthless Lady’s Guide to Wizardry) latest is recommended for readers of cozy mysteries, fantasy mysteries, and anyone looking for a gateway between the two.
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