DEBUT Kim’s debut novel is heartwarming and thought-provoking, set in a quaint laundromat where ordinary lives intersect in extraordinary ways. The story revolves around a forgotten notebook left behind at the laundromat. The notepad soon becomes a sort of communal diary for the laundromat’s customers. Each entry reveals deeply personal struggles, ranging from financial hardship and loneliness to relationship troubles and mental illness. Through the journal’s pages, strangers become friends, who offer support, advice, and, at times, even retaliation for a wronged neighbor. The laundromat’s owner serves as a steadfast presence and fosters this newfound sense of community, despite facing his own conflicts with his son, who is more concerned about profits than people. What makes this novel stand out is how it transforms a simple laundromat into a hub of connection and kindness. Beneath its seemingly lighthearted premise, it explores deeper themes of human connection, mental health, and the importance of caring for others. The story reminds readers that even in the most quotidian or unexpected places, they can find opportunities to create meaningful bonds.
VERDICT Poignant, uplifting, and filled with both tender and exciting moments, Kim’s novel offers a moving reflection on the power of empathy and community.
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