Best Reference 2024 | Databases

Fee-based databases offer scholars and general readers access to authoritative, fact-based research. These tools further study, enable discovery, and highlight key archival collections around the world.

Archives of Sexuality and Gender. Gale.

This excellent sixth entry in Gale’s Archives of Sexuality and Gender series focuses on sexual identity, LGBTQIA+ community-building, gender, and diversity, equity, and inclusion in Canada, Mexico, and the United States during the 20th century. Drawn from four major archives, materials include monographs, papers, periodicals, and pamphlets that address activism and social justice, disability, the intersections between sexuality and religion, and gender and sexuality in ethnic communities.

The Asian American Experience. Bloomsbury.

One of four modules within Bloomsbury/ABC-CLIO’s American Mosaic Collection, this illuminating database traces the history of Asian American communities from early trade interactions in the 1500s through late-20th-century and early-21st-century challenges and growth. More than 2,000 primary sources, including images, audio clips, letters, cartoons, and government documents, offer windows into the evolution of immigration policy, activism, attitudes toward citizenship, the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II, and continuing racial tensions.

BBC Monitoring: Summary of World Broadcasts. Readex.

Readex offers a dynamic compilation of nearly 70,000 transcriptions of speeches, current affairs, political discussions, and social and cultural events, gathered by BBC Monitoring from 1939 through 2001. Superb functionality and usability allow users to access unique primary documents, with a focus on World War II, the Cold War, the Chinese cultural revolution, events in the Middle East (like the Iranian Revolution and the Persian Gulf Crisis), and the Soviet Union/Russia.

Bloomsbury Visual Arts. Bloomsbury.

With collections on design, applied visual arts, surrealism, art markets, and architecture, this top-tier resource serves as a one-stop digital hub for visual arts research and learning. A dazzling array of content takes users deep into the worlds of animation, design studies, game development, ceramics, photography, printmaking, and more, augmented by subject guides, bibliographic guides, lesson plans, webinars, and time lines. A gorgeous, inviting platform with exclusive, high-quality content.

EBSCO Magazine Archives. EBSCO.

Chronicles of the happenings, people, and popular culture movements of the 20th century are made accessible through this engaging archive of 20 magazines. Presented on EBSCO’s intuitive platform, the wide-ranging publications include business and finance magazines and periodicals focusing on literature, politics, science, sports, and current events. Content for each magazine is cover-to-cover, including advertisements, editorials, pictures, and full-text articles, making for informative and impactful reading.

First Folios Compared. AM.

AM’s groundbreaking, open-access project offers unprecedented access to versions of Mr. William Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories & Tragedies, the first collected edition of Shakespeare’s plays, commonly referred to as the First Folio and published in 1623. With outstanding comparative tools and fascinating insight into the printing process, this resource allows users to explore differences and similarities between the original texts, many of which might not have survived had they not been included in the First Folio.

Gale Presents: Peterson’s Test and Career Prep Suite. Gale.

With over 200 practice tests and 25 courses, including multimedia content and downloadable exam guides, this outstanding suite of tools, practice tests, and question banks helps users prepare for academic, vocational, career, and situational exams. Content is geared toward users seeking to strengthen their foundational skills and prepare for exams such as the SAT, GRE, and ASVAB, as well as Advanced Placement, nursing, and Praxis exams. Robust support for users at any stage of their learning journey.

Policy Commons. Coherent Digital.

This public policy database aggregates and searches across more than 12 million reports, working papers, newsletters, and other documents from over 38,000 organizations worldwide, including think tanks, government agencies, universities, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector. By providing stable access to ephemeral, often scattered materials, it facilitates the discovery and dissemination of gray literature. Subject coverage is wide-ranging, with particular strength in economics and urban studies.

ProQuest One Education. ProQuest.

Geared toward education students, researchers, and teachers, this exceptional database offers an array of multiformat content centered on education-related literature and research. Curated materials cover a range of subjects, including research concepts, statistics, testing, learning theories, theorists, teaching methods, technology, policies, curriculum, and leadership. The resource facilitates exploration of trending topics such as hate crimes in schools, guns, school vouchers, students experiencing homelessness, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Refugees, Relief, and Resettlement: The Early Cold War and Decolonization. Gale.

This second installment in Gale’s Refugees, Relief, and Resettlement archive details the history of displacement and forced migration from the start of the Cold War to the decolonization of European colonial territories. With content sourced from the UK National Archives, the New York City Bar Association, and Rutgers University, researchers can access impeccably digitized and indexed primary documents covering civil wars, mass migrations, uprisings, and more.

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