2020: The Year of Government Information | Government Documents

The American Library Association’s Government Documents Roundtable highlights the standout publications of a unique year.

The American Library Association’s Government Documents Roundtable highlights the standout publications of a unique year

In hindsight, 2020 will be remembered as a year of many challenges and changes. The consequences of the pandemic on personal life, health, commerce, and the transition to exclusively online work and learning environments paralleled a broad and nearly unrelenting upheaval centered on renewed attention to perennial social disparities, environmental disasters, and a contentious election. Through it all, government information resources became a regular part of the media and research landscape and librarians helped to make these resources responsive to the needs of their communities.

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in extensive coordinated plans between state and federal governments to bring current information about hygiene and prevention, contact tracing, vaccines, school operations, and more to the public. Guided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these resources were cited and consulted by anyone trying to keep informed and come to terms with the pandemic and its progress. As the fall approached, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines informed tentative steps towards reopening academic institutions and other workplaces.



As libraries started closing in the spring, the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) sent pending shipments to storage and started releasing them piecemeal in the Fall to reopening libraries. While print documents languished in storage, library communities relied on online resources like govinfo.gov and the FDLP library guides for most recent documents and information. The effect of this transition, even though temporary, will likely expedite trends toward digital repositories that have been observed for the last few years. According to the 2017 biennial survey, roughly 2 percent of respondent FDLP collections had an all-digital repository, with 17 percent considering the transition to an all-digital collection. By 2019, the number of collections with no tangible resources was 6 percent of respondent libraries. As administrators looking for more space lay eyes on print collections, 2020’s experiment with online repositories may end up being a bellwether for the transition to completely online repositories in many libraries.

A prefigurement of this transition may be seen in the decision to close the Government Publishing Office’s (GPO’s) last bookstore. At one point, in the 1970s, the GPO had nearly 30 regional stores, according to the press release. The decades-long trend towards online dissemination of government documents through govinfo.gov for instance, along with increasing online sales of print materials, resulted in most of the stores being closed. The current pandemic and staff retirements hastened what was likely the inevitable fate of the GPO’s main bookstore in its printing facility in Washington, DC.



2020 was also the year of the 24th decennial census, the first to allow response by phone or by internet. Although field operations were delayed and complicated by the pandemic, the census set some records in response rates. The 2020 self-response rate was 0.5 percent higher than the 2010 rate, and in the final count, 99.98 percent of all addresses and households had been contacted by the Census Bureau. The census data collection period ended on Oct. 15, 2020, and the bureau began to release data in late April. The census data is used principally to reapportion representative districts—the tools for which are scheduled for release by late September, at press time—but is also used to make informed decisions about resource and money allocations in government spending.



This year’s Notable Documents List has been grouped thematically to make it more responsive to the interests of a broad range of librarians and the patrons they serve. Popular subjects this year include COVID-19, Indigenous peoples, and President Trump. An excerpt from this list ran in the August 2021 print issue of LJ.



American Armies and Battlefields in Europe: World War II. American Battle Monuments Commission. 2020. 541p. illus. maps. OCLC 1196087314. SuDoc Y 3.AM 3:2 W 19/2020. Print only. [Federal]

Featuring color maps and illustrations, this volume provides valuable historical context for monuments established to commemorate American battles during the Second World War (1941–45). In addition to covering battles in continental Europe, it also includes the Battles of the Atlantic and the North African campaigns, which further demonstrates the broad scope of the conflict. The American Battle Monuments Commission was established by Congress in 1923 to safeguard America’s overseas commemorative cemeteries and memorials, and through this publication the commission seeks to support and promote the legacy of Americans who gave their lives in service to the United States.

Investigating Iwo: The Flag Raisings in Myth, Memory, & Esprit de Corps. Robertson, Breanne (ed.). Marine Corps History Division. 2019. xxviii, 371p. illus. maps. OCLC 1127827442. ISBN 9780160953316. SuDoc D 214.511:IW 9.

usmcu.edu/Portals/218/Investigating%20Iwo_WEB2.pdf [Federal]

Joseph Rosenthal’s 1945 photograph of American soldiers raising the flag at Mount Suribachi on Iwo Jima has become one of the most iconic images in U.S. history. It has been featured in newspapers, books, magazines, posters, stamps, textbooks, and of course across the internet. Yet despite the fame and ubiquity of this image, the exact details of the event have remained unclear and contradictory. This document contains 14 essays that examine the events of Iwo Jima, their impact in contemporary public memory, their historical legacy, and the manners in which historians have subsequently studied the event. The volume provides insights into both the historical event itself and the way scholars examine memory and the past.

Historic Streetcar Systems of Colorado and Online Map. Colorado Department of Transportation. 2020. 440 pp. Illus. Maps. OCLC# 1198606229. pdf: bit.ly/COstreetcars online map: bit.ly/streetcarmap [State]

The practical aim of this project is to identify remnant street rail lines, often buried under modern pavements, to better inform historical assessments and preservation strategies. The value is greatly expanded by the detailed account of Colorado’s streetcar development in different places, the apparatus, and the relationships between the communities and the companies that maintained the lines. The richly illustrated monograph is supplemented by an equally detailed story map that profiles over a dozen towns and the lines that ran through them.

United Nations efforts to reduce military expenditures: a historical overview. Spies, Michael. UN Office of Disarmament Affairs.UNODA Occasional Papers, No. 33, October 2019. 76p. bit.ly/UNspending [International]

This paper provides an historical summary of United Nations (UN) efforts to reduce national military expenditures and increase transparency of military budgets. UN efforts are examined in five sections which describe early attempts; economic and social impacts; consequences of the arms race; reduction of military budgets; and the relationship between disarmament and development. The document includes lists of General Assembly resolutions and a timeline of UN reforms and initiatives.


COVID-19. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2019. illus. maps. cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov [Federal]

This website was created by the CDC to assist the public, combat misinformation, and to provide accurate news, data, and recommendations during this once-per-century pandemic. Providing materials in multiple languages—English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean—this website addresses topics including “emergency preparedness and response, diseases and conditions, data and statistics, environmental health, healthy living, injury, violence and safety, life stages and populations, travelers’ health, and workplace safety and health, among others.” The website continues to provide guidance on social distancing, vaccines, and reopening procedures, while highlighting current news and statistics.

Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. U.S. Department of Labor. 2020. 35p. Illus. OCLC 1144498096. ISBN 9780160956034. SuDoc L 35.2:C 81/3L 35.2:C 81/3. osha.gov/Publications/OSHA3990.pdf [Federal]

This detailed guide provides recommendations to employers on how to create a safe and healthful work environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. The guidelines were specifically drafted to assist employers comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, which “requires employers to provide their employees with a workplace free from recognized hazards likely to cause death or serious physical harm” (p.[i]). Within this publication are details about COVID-19 and how it spreads in the workplace, as well as guidelines for “Low,” “Medium,” “High,” and “Very High” risk job classifications. Concise and direct, this publication offers clear recommendations, while also highlighting additional resources that provide greater detail for specific scenarios and situations.

What to Do If You Are Sick with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2020. 1p. OCLC 1142634075. SuDoc HE 20.7002:C 81/3. bit.ly/CDCIfSick [Federal]

This handout, created by the CDC, provides concise and helpful information for those who have contracted COVID-19. Rather than a detailed discussion of COVID-19, which is provided through the official CDC website, this colorful one-page document provides basic guidelines to seeking treatment and preventing its spread to others. The brevity of the document makes it ideal as a flier or poster that employers, schools, or other institutions can use to quickly educate employees, students, and the public.

Novel Coronavirus. New York State Department of Health. 2020. Website. on.ny.gov/2QFrvmq [State]

New York state’s main COVID information portal contains up-to-date resources on COVID prevention and vaccination along with policy changes on quarantine and more. This website contains copious resources for those seeking information about symptoms, prevention, testing, healthcare providers; along with more information about government agencies responsible for overseeing New York’s pandemic response.

Creating Healthy Place Guidebook. University of Colorado Denver. College of Architecture and Planning. 2019. Illus. OCLC# 1127639670. pdf. bit.ly/HealthPlaces [State]

This work outlines a collaboration between academic institutions, community organizations, and private firms to develop a template for exploring the role of healthy environments in design and planning. Comprehensive descriptions and case studies illustrate the combined role of planning, built environments, access to food and water, and more in making sustainable and human-friendly infrastructures. It is designed to facilitate informed decision-making by a broad range of community stakeholders.

Indiana Diabetes Strategic Plan 2020-2026. Box, Kristina M. Indiana Department of Health. 2020. 47 pp. illus. maps. pdf. bit.ly/INdiabetes [State]

The strategic plan establishes reliable figures for diabetes incidence, identifying barriers to healthcare access and treatment strategies, increasing awareness of diabetes, and the number of screenings, all with the goal of decreasing diabetes-related morbidity. Tabular data, maps, and other illustrations supplement the comprehensive benchmarks and timelines to actuate the goal.

Global tuberculosis report 2020. World Health Organization. 2020. 208 p. https://bit.ly/GlobalTB [International]

This report documents global tuberculosis trends, evaluating the measures taken to control and treat the disease worldwide. Separate chapters elaborate on the burden of the disease, diagnosis and treatment, prevention, financing, research, innovation, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report also includes information on the WHO Global TB Database with a list of severely impacted countries from 2016–20.

Exploiting Inequity: a pandemic's gendered and racial toll on the women and families of North Carolina. Thompson, Lyric; McDowell, Catherine; Spinner, Adrienne; Gingles, Candace; and Parker, Patricia. North Carolina Department of Administration/Council of Women and Youth Involvement. 2020. 49 pp. illus. OCLC# 1228483890. bit.ly/NCinequity [State]

The pandemic has affected all aspects of life for most people and has aggravated existing disparities. Quarantines and school closures have increased incidence of domestic violence and further taxed working mothers who have to provide childcare for at-home children. This work highlights how the pandemic has affected work, health, and community engagement by women, families, and people of color.

Going viral: COVID-19 and the accelerated transformation of jobs in Latin America and the Caribbean. Beylis, Guillermo; Fattal-Jaef, Roberto; Sinha, Rishabh; Morris, Michael; and Sebastian, Ashwini Rekha. World Bank Latin American and Caribbean Studies. 2020. 91p. bit.ly/COVIDjobsLA [International]

This report documents the accelerated pace of change in the Latin American employment landscape, describing policy reforms needed to strengthen labor markets and social safety nets. Policies that protected salaried employees in the formal sector left many informal workers vulnerable to health risks and unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report calls for increased investment in workforce training, funding for schools and universities, and placement programs for adults who lost their jobs.

Health, safety and dignity of sanitation workers: an initial assessment. World Bank; International Labour Organization; WaterAid; and World Health Organization. 2019. 46p. bit.ly/sanitationsafety [International]

This report presents the findings from nine case studies of sanitation workers in low- and middle-income countries, documenting the health and safety challenges, ostracism, financial insecurity, poor legal protections, and the lack of societal acknowledgement that they face. Collecting data from interviews and the existing literature, the assessment summarizes challenges, good practices, and areas for action.

The human rights to water and sanitation in practice. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. 2019. 75p. bit.ly/righttoH20 [International]

This publication summarizes the experiences of eleven countries in the Pan European region that implemented policies and measures to address equitable access to water and sanitation, based on the UN Economic Commission for Europe’s 2011 Protocol on Water and Health. Six chapters with multiple tables address water access, assessment, planning, implementation, financing, and country highlights.


Earth as Art 6: A Unique and Unconventional Perspective of the Earth’s Geographic Attributes. U.S. Geological Survey. 2019. 42p. Illus. OCLC 1162814636. SuDoc I 19.174:194. pubs.usgs.gov/gip/0194/gip194.pdf [Federal]

This beautifully illustrated publication is a collection of images taken by satellites and unmanned aircraft systems (drones). Each image has been enhanced to include colors within the electromagnetic spectrum that are normally beyond visible wavelengths, creating abstract art that explores the “hidden colors, patterns, textures, and shapes” of the landscapes. The volume includes enhanced images of natural landscapes in Afghanistan, Antarctica, Australia, Canada, Ethiopia, Iceland, Morocco, Namibia, Russia, Sudan, United States, Uzbekistan, Western Sahara, and Zambia. Beyond their scientific value, these infrared images are also vibrant works of art in their own right.

Earth at Night: Our Planet in Brilliant Darkness. Ostovar, Michele. NASA. 2019. xv, 179p. illus. maps. OCLC 1135874455. SuDoc NAS 1.83:NP-2019-07-2739-HQ. nasa.gov/connect/ebooks/earthatnight_detail.html [Federal]

When looking at the Earth from space, clusters of light across the surface make it immediately apparent that the planet is inhabited. For decades, satellite images of the Earth at night have provided insights into urban growth, population distribution, and human migration, each of which is reflected in light patterns on the ground. This publication similarly uses satellite images of human light production to examine patterns in urban development, power outages, war, mining, and sea-going vessels. Of particular interest is a chapter that studies how Hurricanes Maria, Matthew, Michael, and Sandy impacted the human environment, as reflected through urban light production. Finally, the work also includes sections on “nature’s light shows,” including forest fires, volcanoes, auroras, and lightning.

The State of Climate Science and Why it Matters. Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. House of Representatives. 2019. iv, 278p. illus. OCLC 1099656865. SuDoc Y 4.SCI 2:116-1. purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo119707 [Federal]

This hearing of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology was convened to “provide a big-picture assessment of the current state of climate science.” In addition to hearing testimony from leading scientists, the committee also draws attention to several recent studies that document adverse human impact on environmental trends. The report concludes that “while the understanding of the basic physical mechanisms of climate change has not changed significantly over the last 20 years, recent research has provided even stronger evidence in support of the scientific consensus that the climate is warming and it is primarily driven by the emissions of greenhouse gases due to human activities” (p.2). Expert witnesses include specialists from Rutgers University, the Woods Hole Research Center, the Niskanen Center, University of Washington, and Cornell University.

Yellowstone National Park Trip Planner 2020. National Park Service. 2019. 15p. illus. maps. OCLC 1107141284. SuDoc I 29.2:Y 3/18/2019. Print Only. [Federal]

One of the most famous national parks in America, Yellowstone receives millions of visitors each year. Covering over 30,000 square miles across three states, the park is a large area with no shortage of destinations, sites, and lodging options. This planner, which is the most recent in a series, provides safety tips, highlights, maps, activity recommendations, and summaries of permit and camping regulations. This short volume is an excellent guide for those planning a visit to Yellowstone; for a more detailed history of the park, readers may also want to read Yellowstone: A Natural and Human History, also published by the National Park Service.

Key to Crayfishes in Maryland. Swecker, C.D.; Jones, T.D.; Kilian, J.V.; Roberson, L.F. Maryland Department of Natural Resources. 2019. 35 pp. Illus. Maps. OCLC# 1150902585. pdf. bit.ly/MDcrayfish [State]

Chesapeake crabs are Maryland’s most popular crustacean. This work will elevate crayfish to second place, with its detailed closeups of crayfish anatomy and interspecies comparisons that enable easy identification. Each species is profiled with pictures and notes about habitat, species-specific identifiers, nativity, and conservation status, plus maps showing distribution.

Composting in childcare production gardens. Sherman, Rhoda. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. 2020. 4pp. illus. OCLC# 1193566407. pdf. bit.ly/childcarecompost [State]

Establishing a garden in childcare facilities provides many opportunities for young minds to learn about life, recycling, and the environment. This resource will lead readers step by step to incorporating composting into already existing gardens and provides tips on what materials can and cannot be composted, along with how to manage composted materials. Suggested activities reinforce key lessons for children.

Fire-resistant landscaping in North Carolina. Kays, Laurel. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. 2020. 13 pp. illus. OCLC# 1202724282. pdf. bit.ly/NCFireLandscape [State]

The principal of developing fire-resistant landscaping is the “defensible space,” which is a break that slows or stops the spread of fire from surrounding areas to buildings. Plant selection and placement and removal of debris are essential components of establishing a defensible space. This resource provides extensive guides on plants and their resistance to fire, along with practical tips on avoiding high-risk conditions such as placing plants near power lines or chimneys.

Governor's Task Force on the Outdoors: 2020 framework for action. Blasher, Jonathan. Oregon Office of Outdoor Recreation. 2020. 48 pp. illus. OCLC# 1137163360. pdf. bit.ly/ORoutdoor [State]

Outdoor recreation is essential to increased quality of life and well-being. Encouraging this activity, improving rural economies, natural resource sustainability, and increasing accessibility are the goals of the task force. This work represents approaches to fusing these goals through collaboration, innovation, and investment. Strategies and action plans augment comprehensive recommendations to complete a practical and thoughtful plan maximizing the utility of environmental resources.

Global ocean science report 2020: charting capacity for ocean sustainability. UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. 2020. 245p. en.unesco.org/gosr [International]

The second edition of this report analyzes the global ocean science workforce: the researchers, equipment, funding, and strategies devoted to the scientific study of the ocean. The new edition addresses four additional topics: contributions of ocean science to sustainable development, ocean or “blue” patent applications, capacity development, and gender analyses of the workforce.

Study of Wind Energy Generation potential along North Carolina Highways. Samberg, Art. North Carolina Department of Transportation – Research and Development Unit. 2020. 105 pp. illus. OCLC# 1200202467. pdf. bit.ly/HwayWind [State]

The potential for wind produced by high-speed highway traffic to turn power-generating turbines is explored in this work. Traffic-generated wind patterns vary considerably from one location to another and depend on the number of lanes, traffic volume, vehicle type, and barriers between or along the lanes. Based on the conclusions of this study, several pilot programs are recommended to further explore the possibilities of this unique source of energy.


Proceedings of the United States Senate in the Impeachment Trial of President Donald John Trump (Parts 1-4). United States Senate. 2020.365p (total). SuDoc Y 1.1/3:116-21/Pt.1-4. govinfo.gov/app/details/CDOC-116sdoc12/context [Federal]

Following the impeachment of Donald Trump by the United States House of Representatives on December 18, 2019, the case was sent to the Senate for trial. This four-volume series details the Senate trail that took place in January 2020. Part I provides a brief summary of the charges, which include abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Part II includes the president’s response and the House of Representatives’ trial memorandum outlining the charges in detail. Part III includes the House of Representatives response to the president’s defense and a trial memorandum on the president’s behalf advising the Senate to vote against the impeachment. Finally, Part IV includes a memorandum from the House of Representatives encouraging their Senate colleagues to vote in favor of the impeachment. This collection of documents, though lengthy, provides insight into the rare and historically significant process of presidential impeachment.

Report of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on the Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report together with Minority Views. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. House of Representatives. 2019. xiv, 363p. illus. OCLC 1135857713. SuDoc Y 1.1/8:116-335. govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CRPT-116hrpt335/pdf/CRPT-116hrpt335.pdf [Federal]

This report from December 11, 2019, of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence was compiled to examine allegations that President Trump illegally used his office to pressure the Ukrainian government into researching his rival in the upcoming 2020 presidential election, now-President Joseph Biden. To this charge, the report concluded “that President Trump, personally and acting through agents within and outside of the U.S. government, solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, to benefit his reelection.” As a result of this report, the House of Representatives subsequently voted to impeach President Trump on December 18, 2019.

Impeachment of Donald J. Trump President of the United States: Report of the Committee on the Judiciary House of Representatives, together with Dissenting Views to Accompany H. Res. 755. House of Representatives. 2019. 641p. SuDoc Y 1.1/8:116-346/CORR. purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo130203 [Federal]

On December 18, 2019, the U.S. House of Representatives passed House Resolution 755, through which Donald Trump became the third president to be impeached in American history. This accompanying document to H. Res. 755 was created by the Committee on the Judiciary in advance of the impeachment trial. It provides a summary of the charges as well as committee considerations, votes, and dissenting opinions. This report includes 87 pages of committee discussion on the two articles of impeachment, “abuse of power” and “obstruction of Congress,” and it records the committee votes. Ultimately the committee voted in favor of recommending impeachment, 23 ayes and 17 nos, before the report was sent to the House for a full discussion and vote.

Regulatory Approaches to Cryptoassets in Selected Jurisdictions. Law Library of Congress. 2019. 278p. OCLC 1110727972. SuDoc LC 42.2:C 88/3/. purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo123767 [Federal]

Cryptocurrency is by design difficult to regulate, as it was created as an alternative to nation-backed fiat currency. Nations and international bodies have nevertheless attempted to create regulations and laws surrounding the use of cryptocurrencies, resulting in a global patchwork of policies that are extremely difficult to navigate. In 2014, the Law Library of Congress produced a report examining cryptocurrency policies in 41 jurisdictions. A second report, published in 2018, covered 130 countries. This most recent student by the Law Library examines 46 countries and the European Union, focusing on “regulatory approaches to cryptoassets created through blockchain, or distributed ledger technology (DLT), in the context of financial market and investor protection laws. It also contains updated information regarding the application of tax and AML/CFT laws to cryptocurrencies in the countries covered.” By examining legislation and regulation across the planet, this document demonstrates the complexities of the global cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Data Protection: Federal Agencies Need to Strengthen Online Identity Verification Processes: Report to Congressional Requesters. Government Accountability Office. 2019. ii, 51p. illus. OCLC 1104820963. SuDoc GA 1.13:GAO-19-288. purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo121888 [Federal] 

In 2017 the credit report agency (CRA) Equifax experienced a severe security breach that affected 147 million people. As many federal agencies depend upon CRAs to conduct identity verification, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reviewed the identification proofing and security policies of six federal agencies to ensure that similar security breaches do not take place in the future. At the conclusion of the study, the GAO formulated recommendations for numerous federal agencies, which are outlined in this report. The document also includes appendices with responses from federal agencies, some of which rejected the GAO recommendations for a variety of reasons. The report demonstrates the increasing importance of data security in the 21st century.

United States Space Force. Department of Defense. 2019. ii, 11p. illus. OCLC 1091634564. SuDoc D 1.2:SP 1/2. purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo118548 [Federal]

Built upon the principle that “space is fundamental to U.S. prosperity and national security,” the United State Space Force was established in December 2019, marking the first new Armed Services branch created since the creation of the U.S. Air Force in 1947. Taking over responsibilities previously held by the Air Force Space Command, this new sixth branch of the Armed Forces provides “dedicated military leadership [who] will unify, focus, and accelerate the development of space doctrine, capabilities, and expertise to outpace future threats; institutionalize advocacy of space priorities to provide for the common defense in all domains; and further build space warfighting culture” (p.1). This short document, published in February 2019, provides brief summaries of the proposed Space Force’s strategic mission, role, structures, transition plan, and budget. The creation of the Space Force was formalized in December 2019.

Status of Women in North Carolina: political participation. Shaw, Elyse; Tesfaselassie, Adiam. North Carolina Council for Women and Youth Involvement. 2020. vi+53 pp. illus. OCLC# 1193566409. pdf. bit.ly/NCstatus [State]

Part of a series exploring the condition of women in North Carolina. This work focuses on barriers to women’s political participation both as voters and as officer seekers and holders. Tabular data illustrates differences between state and national trends. Key findings indicate that in four years prior to publication most indices of women’s involvement in politics declined, with the exception of the share of women voters and the number of women in office.

Implementing the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention No. 169. Towards an inclusive, sustainable and just future. International Labour Organization. 2019. 156p. bit.ly/ILO_169 [International]

This landmark publication celebrates the 30th anniversary of International Labour Organization (ILO) Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention , the only binding multilateral treaty on the issue. While much has been achieved, progress has been slow. The “invisibility” of Indigenous peoples in official data remains a concern, as do persistent gaps in income and poverty. The numbers of Indigenous women subjected to discrimination, violence, and harassment are especially troubling. The publication concludes by calling for improved employment opportunities and strengthening programs for indigenous communities to meaningfully participate in law and policymaking.

Indigenous people and sentencing in Canada. Graeme McConnell. Government of Canada. Library of Parliament. Legal and Social Affairs Division. Parliamentary Information and Research Service. Publication No.2020-46-E. 22 May 2020. 18p. bit.ly/IndigenousSentencing [International]

This document reviews incarceration procedures for Indigenous peoples in Canada, attempting to identify and redress factors contributing to over incarceration rates. Canada requires judges to consider backgrounds of Indigenous defendants as well as systems of restorative justice (known as the Gladue Principles, after a Canadian Supreme Court Case) relevant to the person’s heritage. Despite this, rates remain unacceptably high. Difficulties include coordinating principles across provinces, a lack of funding for Gladue programming and reporting, and mandatory minimums.

Rights of Indigenous peoples: resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on 18 December 2019. 9p. Symbol A/RES/74/135. bit.ly/UNRightsResolution [International]

This resolution makes a renewed call for UN member states to achieve the goals of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the conclusions of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples. It calls for nations to involve Indigenous peoples in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals; to observe the International Day of Indigenous Peoples, to implement laws protecting Indigenous women and girls from violence, to eliminate malnutrition and the worst forms of labor in Indigenous children, and other related issues addressed by the UN. It also proclaims 2022–32 as the International Decade of Indigenous Languages.


Graduation Pathways 2020: A Resource in support of our 2020 seniors. Oregon Department of Education. 2020. 25 pp. illus. pdf. https://bit.ly/ORGradPath [State]

The effects of the pandemic on education are well attested and mostly negative. Moving to remote learning environments requires some concessions in the form of improvisation in teaching methods, the loss of collaborative learning opportunities, and increased burdens on students with limited access to technology. This guide outlines plans for accrediting seniors by mitigating the lost opportunities while maintaining the quality of education to ensure their planned graduation.

Open Education Resource (OER) in Texas Higher Education, 2019. Jimes, C.; Karaglani, A.; Petrides, L.; Rios, J.; Sebesta, J.; and Torre, K. Digital Higher Education Consortium of Texas (DigiTex); Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). 2019. 35 pp. illus. bit.ly/TX_OER [State]

The rising cost of textbooks is a growing concern in academia. The Open Education movement has been gaining momentum in recent years are a way to mitigate the burden on students and increase accessibility to learning materials for all. In recognition of this trend, this work details the result of a survey on currents rates of OER usage, institutional barriers to OER integration, and more. This resource includes recommendations for furthering the use of OERs and the survey that was used to collect the data.

Bryan Fuller is reference and government documents librarian, Earl S. Richardson Library, Morgan State University, Baltimore, and chair of GODORT’s 2020 Notable Documents Panel. Federal document annotations by Richard Mikulski (richard.m.mikulski@pdx.edu); state and local document annotations by Esther Fatuyi, Morgan State University (esther.fatuyi@morgan.edu); and international document annotations by James Church (jchurch@library.berkeley.edu).

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