Coping With Cooking Fatigue

Even the most enthusiastic kitchen dwellers likely are looking for some inspiration to rekindle the love of cooking or, at the very least, just get something on the table. Here are some sites, all of which offer vegetarian options, that may help.

Red PeppersWe're almost at the one-year mark of staying at home and/or working remotely, and with that anniversary comes a realization. Many of us are really tired of our own cooking. When restrictions began, there was a lot of joy to be found in preparing meals that nourished our bodies as well as our creative side. By now, though, even the most enthusiastic kitchen dwellers likely are looking for some inspiration to rekindle the love of cooking or, at the very least, just get something on the table. Here are some sites, all of which offer vegetarian options, that may help.

Leite's Culinaria, which was founded by David Leite in 1999, promises "hot food and dry wit," and it delivers. Leite's offers a delightful mix of recipes, food essays, and interviews. Sign up for the daily or weekly newsletter to receive daily inspiration.

David Lebovitz is an American in Paris who earned his culinary stripes at Chez Panisse and the Zuni Café. Despite this pedigree, his recipes are accessible to home cooks, and also include cocktails. Lebovitz's newsletter is, alas, monthly, but he has been hosting a daily Apero (Happy) Hour on Instagram from his apartment during the pandemic.

Epicurious was created by Condé Nast n 1995 as a digital platform for Bon Appétit and Gourmet magazines. This is the original resource for all sorts of culinary inspiration, from menus for everyday meal planning to big holidays.

VegetablesDinner: A Love Story, started by Jenny Rosentrach, has been going strong for over a decade. What began as a hymn to the work of getting family around a dinner table and has now led to four cookbooks, Dinner: A Love Story, Dinner: The Playbook, and How to Celebrate Everything. Weekday Vegetarians will be publishing in August. Rosentrach not only writes about food, but also her family's travels and what they're reading.

Smitten Kitchen was begun by another mom who not only faces the challenge of keeping fare on the family table new and interesting. but doing so in a tiny kitchen. Deb Perleman's recipes read like a chat with a longtime friend who is walking you through a recipe so delicious that she just had to share it. Perleman also has a weekly newsletter spotlighting seasonal trends in food.

The Amateur Gourmet is Adam Roberts, who founded the blog in 2004, and also hosts the podcast Lunch Therapy, where interviews people in and out of the food world. Roberts also writes screenplays, so be prepared to spend time reading about how his recipes developed. His weekly newsletter features involved musings on recent food writing, and his Instagram stories, which have terrific soundtracks, place you alongside him in the kitchen.

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