Smithsonian Libraries Launches Museum in a Box Project | INFOdocket

From the Smithsonian Libraries “Unbound” Blog: Museum in a Box  (MiaB) is the newest project that is allowing the Smithsonian Libraries to bring their artifacts and images into the hands of young students all around the nation. 

From the Smithsonian Libraries “Unbound” Blog:

Museum in a Box (MiaB) is the newest project that is allowing the Smithsonian Libraries to bring their artifacts and images into the hands of young students all around the nation. MiaB allows students to learn about the collections from the Smithsonian Libraries and Museums, from the comfort of their own classrooms.

So what is MiaB? Well, actual artifacts from the Libraries are digitized into small, hand-held sized 3D versions and put into a kit. Not only that, but postcard prints are included as well. The kit comes with a small box, and when one of the objects or cards are placed on top of the box, a story automatically comes out of a speakers explaining its history.

Read the Complete Blog Post

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