This guidebook to Atlanta’s Sweet Auburn neighborhood (and a little of the surrounding area) pairs sketches of its buildings with a storytelling approach to history. Historic preservationist Kansas provides more than just foundational details on how Sweet Auburn and its residents are connected to the civil rights movement, particularly to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; he also covers events leading up to the movement and its continuing legacy. Kansas even brings in some connections outside Georgia, but those who enjoy Atlanta will find the book especially fun. It also mentions the community’s efforts to preserve its historical architecture and explains how the buildings fit the culture and needs of Sweet Auburn. As the book comes to a close, a few current restaurant recommendations (based in historical buildings) are included, and the work ends with related curriculum ideas for a variety of ages.
VERDICT An excellent Black history title, definitely for Southern libraries, but also a welcome choice for collections focused on the civil rights movement and a fun teaching aid.
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