Devil Come to Hell and Stay Where You Belong

color. 87+ min. Massimilian & Nina Breeder, NoCrew, dist. by Microcinema, www.microcinemadvd.com. 2010. DVD UPC 880198109699. $70. Public performance. FILM
Two nameless and virtually mute young French people set off to explore America from coast to coast in this curious piece, which seems almost as directionless as do its main characters. Each of the 12 segments (individually accessible via the always-welcomed chapter selection option) focuses on a stop along their journey, typically with no narration but with striking footage of locales ranging from large cities to small towns and national parks and other open areas. Throughout the expedition, the couple (husband and wife Breeder) stay in dimly lit back-road hotels; viewers are subtly drawn into their lovemaking as they prepare for another day of travel. The beauty of our country is counterbalanced by too-frequent scenes of roadkill, which might be emblematic of the extremes and fragility of life here. But it's an art film, so who knows for sure? What verbal commentary exists is difficult to hear, but English-language subtitles compensate. Bonus features include the short film "The Furnace," which is also uncluttered by dialog or obvious intent, and interviews with the Breeders, who are the production's sole crew members. While this innocuous excursion isn't a threat to Steinbeck's Travels with Charley or Tocqueville's America, its suggestion of a 1960s VW van saga might make it a worthwhile addition for public and academic libraries.—Dwain Thomas, William Rainey Harper Coll., Palatine, IL
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