Prairie Up: An Introduction to Natural Garden Design

1.3 Fields Bks. Jan. 2023. 208p. ISBN 9780252086779. pap. $29.95. GARDENING
Vogt (A New Garden Ethic), an owner of a prairie-inspired design firm, instructs readers on how to create their own natural landscape using plants native to their region. Beautiful photographs show a variety of climates and regions. Vogt explains in detail the desirable reasons to have a prairie landscape, such as to help with storm water runoff, amend the soil, suppress weeds, and increase the habitats for wildlife. Ecological areas throughout the United States are also noted with a detailed map, along with guidance on how to select the appropriate plants for those regions. The book also provides advice on how to approach an HOA and create one’s own seed mixture. It also offers a list of plants and blueprints of landscape designs. Vogt gives gardeners a thorough look into what it takes to create a prairie landscape and revive natural diversity.
VERDICT For gardeners who would like a more natural look rather than curb appeal, this is an essential resource.
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