Renowned Tokyo sushi chef Takahashi, trained dietician Hidemi Sato, and freelance culinary writer Mitose Tsuchida have structured a mixed collection of food history and cooking techniques that reflects the precision for which sushi is known. Accompanied by minimalistic-styled food photography, the book spotlights distinct types of sushi, their geographic origins, and the etymology of the word “sushi.” Step-by-step pictorial instructions demonstrate how to cook and store the perfect sushi rice and properly filet and cure multiple types of seafood. This book covers the different types of sushi knives and how they are used in food preparation. There are also thorough details about slicing and shaping procedures that highlight the meticulous artistic side of sushi preparation, which contributes to the overall enjoyment and presentation of a proper sushi meal.
VERDICT A carefully curated and deliciously styled reference work that’s appropriate for public and academic libraries. Readers will enjoy this gastronomic delight of food science, Japanese cuisine, and its cultural aspects.
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